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Goliath Underdogs, Misfits: The Art Of Battling Giants

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Pages 6
Many are like David facing his own giants in life, rather than facing actual giants, such as conquering a circumstance or illness that threatens to derail you. Malcolm Gladwell writes about people rising above difficult circumstances in life, like in his book “David and Goliath Underdogs, Misfits, and The Art of Battling Giants” using pathos, ethos, logos, and rhetorical tactics like metaphors, similes, anecdotes, epistrophes, and allegory. Gladwell uses numerous inspiring stories throughout the book to encourage the readers to agree with his point of view. He accomplishes this by presenting strong evidence supporting his claim that the underdog may, and frequently does, have the upper hand in social circumstances.

Gladwell backs up his arguments using both primary and secondary sources. In …show more content…
Gladwell interviews Jay Freireich in chapter five, probing his early years. Mr. Freireich recalls his mom working extremely hard to make ends meet and his dad dying while he was quite young. He also recalls growing up in extreme poverty. He can't recall the name of the babysitter his mother hired, but he does recall how much he adored her and thought of her as his mother. Gladwell stated, "He could not retrieve the name of the women who raised him because everything from those years was so painful that it had been pushed to the furthest recesses of his mind.'' Gladwell 126)Then, Gladwell delves into his secondary source of World War II and how some people were afraid of the bombing while others weren't. Gladwell describes a Canadian

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