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How Does Racism Still Exist

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Racism started from the ancient slave trade. Majority of the Africans brought to the united states as at the 17th century, were brought as slaves who were aleggedly taken away from their homeland in several areas of Africa. African Families were separated through buying and seling of Africans by whites (slaves). Upon arrival to the united states, Africans wrere made to suffer, they were beaten, tortured, whipped, lynched by the hands of their white masters. For few of the Africans who were allowed to be free, they were deprived of so many rights. Although slavery was abolished by the 13th amendment, the result of it which is racism is still a major issue in the united states today. Some may argue that the abolishment of slavery also took away racism. The four outlined proof and evidence stated in this research paper proves that racism still exists in the united states.
The issue is whether racism and discrimination still exists in the United States.
Claim: Yes, Racism and discrimination still exists in the united states. Although slavery was ultimately outlawed and laws prohibiting discrimination against African-Americans passed, racism against this community remains and is manifested in more subtle ways today. …show more content…
In addition to this definition, racism was further defined as the belief that some races are better than others. These two definitions of racism gives a clear background information as to what this research paper will be analyzing. In this paper, the reader would be taking through a roller coaster that will give a brief history of racism, how it grew, how it was supposedly said to have ended. A number of races have suffered racism in America, some of which are African-Americans, Hispanics, Latinos and Indians. However, my focus will be on African

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