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Unit 21


Submitted By Diaseffie
Words 3143
Pages 13
Anti- discriminatory practice promoted in health and social care setting
1: ethical principles:
Ethical principles are the principles which provide standards on which it is based on judgments in relation to ethical theories. The four keys of ethical principles are justice, autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Justice: This principle helps to protect all individuals from getting discriminated and allowing in getting fair treatment no matter what their background-sex, color, race, religion, belief sect. for example. : If a Muslim women enters in the clinics than she must be welcomed and treated by love and respect and not by discriminating her against religion or sex. In a health and social care setting they must raise and promote awareness of discrimination practice to stop covert and overt discrimination based on race, beliefs, religions, color etc. Autonomy: This principle helps every individual in making their own choice which must be respected by everyone. For example In a care home if the client wants a lady carer to feed her and not a men carer then she must be allowed to have that service and not go against her choice .Beneficence: this principle states that if an individual is in danger/ risk than positive action must be taken as soon as possible to help to prevent or improve the situation. For example if a patient meet with an accident on his way home and fractured his hip and in the emergency (ambulance) nurse must provide pain medication as soon as possible and not wait till they reach to the hospital /till it become worse. Non-maleficence: this principle states that if an individual is harmed by the treatment in the emergency then it must not outweigh the benefits of that treatment. For example: when the patient above (beneficence example) received pain medication there is little complication that could occur. So the hip surgery has to be taken, but before that the patient must be alert to understand what the risk is and why it is important to have the surgery. So the doctor must balance the benefit of that treatment by providing the medication quickly.
2: putting the individual at the heart of service provision:
Another way to promote anti- discriminatory practice is when a care worker must promote equality, belief, values and respect the rights of the service users by putting all the individuals at the heart of service provision such as the individuals needs must be met and achieved so that it makes them happier and empowered in all areas. Even it will increase their self-esteem and self-confidence and change the way they see themselves For example: in a care home if the patient wants his dinner at 6pm then his needs must be met. By doing this he will feel his is important and is given priority.
3: supporting individuals to express their needs and preferences:
Another way to promote anti-discriminatory practice is service provider must support all the individuals to express their needs and preferences. The service provider must do this to encourage the patient to speak out what they feel and would prefer to do, whether it is their dietary plan, medical treatment or even wearing the clothes they want to wear. This can be done by communicating with them in a nice way and interacting with them on a regular basic so that they know that the service user is supported by the service provider on the right way. For example: in a care home if the service user is unhappy with the way here timetable is set then the service provider must sit with here and ask here what’s here preferences are and then meet her needs like praying at 4pm every day.

4: promoting individuals rights, choices, and well-being:
Individual’s rights are promoted in different ways. For example we must help people who have communication problem because of their illness, disability or because they speak another language. There are wide ranges of information that are available at many places in English and in different forms such as from pictures to braille, sign language to translation. For example if a service user comes in the clinic and wants to have a counselling in French as he or she doesn’t understand much of English than his or her request must be accepted . By doing this it makes the individual feel comfortable and empowered.
5: Putting active support consistent with the beliefs, culture and preferences of the individual
This promotion tries to help all individuals by taking their beliefs, culture and preferences into account when they are trying to make decisions in a health and social care setting. For example in a residents care home, if a service user who is Jewish then you need to make sure that kosher food is available for them as well as a small area where they can wish to worship . Another example would be a service user who comes in the day center having a disability then the service provider must make sure that the service user is listened and support is given when they require like advice and guidance, medical treatment information, social support or personal care with sensitivity and diligence.
M-Difficulties that may arise when implementing anti discriminatory practice
1: putting the individual at the heart of service provision:
There are few difficulties that may arise when putting the individual at the heart of the service provision for example in a care home if the service provider gives more importance to one service user because she needs more attention than the other service users, but other service user may feel she is not cared and given much importance/ attention to her and might think she is discriminating. By this the service provider will feel misunderstood and depressed as the other service user might not know the reason behind it and she will feel helpless and stressed and even at time it can make it difficult for her because there is pressure put on her. Another example would be in a day center home the food items which are involved are halah, vegetarian, non- vegetarian and they didn’t provide kosher food thinking there are too many food items but the service user who is Jewish may see they don’t have kosher food in the food list and might think they are discriminating him and treating unfairly. By this the service provider may feel sad and depressed as they can’t have kosher food as there are too many items and they can’t add more items. She might even feel low as there is too much pressure on her. Another example will be in the care home because the care home is small they cannot provide a prayer room for Muslim people. But there is Christian religious picture put on the wall. The service user who is Muslim wants to pray but there didn’t provide her with prayer room but she sees the Christians religion picture put on wall. By this she will feel the care home is discriminating her as she is Muslim religious and they are doing favor for Christina religion and will even feel isolated. But the service provider may find it difficult to explain the server user that because the care home is too small and they can’t provider prayer room for all of them. By this the service provider will feel depressed as there is pressure on her and the server user is making her uncomfortable. By this she might find it difficult to help them and might even leave the care home as there is pressure put on her.

2: promoting individuals rights, choices, and well-being
When promoting individual’s rights, choice and wellbeing there are few problems that may arise such as in a care home if the service user wants McDonalds. It means that you have to give the individual whatever they want, if not the servicer user will feel he is not listened and not treated well. But at this situation it can make the service provider very difficult to face it. And can even stop her from giving her healthy food and even make is very stressful and even she have to face many problem which can arise at times. Another example will be in a day care home at a time a service user needs a translator to translate her information which is important to know what the service provider is trying give in her own language e.g. if the service user speaks Hindi and doesn’t understand English then the translator must translate her the information in Hindi. But at times the translator wont translate all the important information given by the service provider properly which at time be misunderstood and gave wrong information to the service user. By this it may cause confusion and loss of communication and misunderstanding between the service user and service provider as the service user will feel he is not treated well, uncomfortable and being unwanted / valued. By this promoting individuals their rights, choice, and wellbeing to all the individuals at time it can make the service provider and the translator into depression, stress and uncomfortable and confused. Another example will be in a care home the Muslim service wants to have a female carer to help her in all her work but in a care home at time all-female carer cannot be available as they might be doing other work and only male carer might be available. By this the service user might feel they are not respecting her and her religion and they are taking her right and discriminated. This can make the service provide stressed as she can’t organize/ arrange all the female carers to everyone. By this the service provider will feel depressed, pressured and worried because she can’t meet everyone’s needs and preferences.
3: supporting individuals to express their needs and preferences:
When supporting individuals to express their needs and preferences there are difficulties that may arise for example: in a care home a service user who is from Hindu religion wants to have shower in morning when she wakes up but the plan for shower in the care home is from 10am-12pm. But the service provide can’t help it out to give her shower early morning as it’s the time for breakfast and she has to service other service users. But the service user will think she is isolating her and not allowing her to have hers needs and preference. But the service provide can’t help it and will feel sad and uncomfortable. As she can’t do 2things together and the manager of the care home is not allowing her to do it therefore she might feel she is pressured by all and no one is trying to understand her. She at time may feel depressed. Another example will be in a care home if a service user is from other country and doesn’t speak much English, but understands Hindi. And in the care home there are notice put on in all languages but not Hindi. But the notice is very important for the service user to read and the service user doesn’t understand what is written in other languages. But because there was not enough space there didn’t put it on the notice board. But the service user felt they are isolating her and discriminated because he is from other country. But at this point the service provider will feel it is very difficult to make her understand because there is no much space left that’s why they didn’t put it on the board and the service provider will find it very confused as she might not know what to do and therefore this can make the service provider depressed and pressurized. Another example will be in a day center there are many activities which are done with service user and there are all mixer men and women. A Muslim service user doesn’t want to get involve in these activities as there are men involved in the activities. But she wants to have separate activities only for women but other service users want men’s and women’s in the activities. But the service user will feel she is ignored and no one allowing her preferences and others are cared and needs are carried out. By this she will feel isolated and misunderstood. By looking at this the service provider will feel she is getting too much stress as she can’t reach to everyone’s needs and preferences. As there are too many activities she can’t add more activities because of one service user therefore she might feel she is pressured and given too many responsibilities.
D-Overcoming Difficulties that may arise when implementing anti discriminatory practice
1: supporting individuals to express their needs and preferences:
To overcome difficulties when supporting individuals their needs and preferences would be having a proper care plan for service user. By doing this the service provider have to understand their needs and preferences of the service user and accordingly have a plan. After that the server provider must find out which communication method the service user will prefer for example a service user who is deaf and he prefer to use sign language then the service provider must make sure that he get the service provider who is well trained and can interpreter to him in a sign language. By doing this then you can overcome the breakdown of communication. In my opinion this is the best way to overcome the difficulty as you come to know more about the service user and all his skills and overcoming barriers to communicate will be useful to avoid trigger situation such as anger. Another example would be in a care home if the service user wants to have his dinner at certain time then he must be allowed so that she feels she is cared and supported by the service provider. Therefore it is important to use the care plan to communicate well as it helps to understand what the service user is trying to say. In other words they just can their own needs and concerns. Another example would be there are many different type of people from different religion background coming in a care home and if the Muslim service user doesn’t want to involve in the activates where men and women are involved then the service provider must keep in mind that there are few games where there are only for female and male and few where men and women can come together. By this the service user will feel good and comfortable and won’t feel isolated or forced and even they will feel they are given importance by them. By doing it even the service provider will even feel less stressful and will feel there’s not much pressure put on her. Another example would be if the service user wants to celebrate her religion because the resident home always celebrate Christmas and no others. Then they must celebrate all religion festivals for example Christmas, Eid, Diwali, Ganesh etc. by doing it they will feel they are treated equally and could follow and know other religions. By doing this they will feel they are cared, loved and supported and even feel their voice is heard by them. Another example would be if a service user wants to sleep in the afternoon after having lunch then she must be allowed. By doing this she will feel relaxed and fresh mind. By doing this the service provider will get love by the service users as they know she is making them happy in all ways.
2: putting the individual at the heart of service provision:
To overcome difficulties when putting the individuals at the heart of service provision is that the service provider must meet the service users’ needs and achieve them in all ways for example if a service user wants to eat only kosher food as he is Jewish then his eating plan must be met. By doing it doesn’t only make them happier but even healthier in all areas. Providing service user with the necessary information they need to make up to date choices about their own care and making decisions about the way services are run .To achieve their needs first the service provider must understand why it is important to use the services. It is important to ask the service user what they would like and prefer instead you making decision for them. For example asking the service user what she would love to wear today and not force them what you would like her to wear. By doing this it can make them feel they are cared and loved by all where it can make their day happier and not making them feel unhappy and isolated. But if the service provider is not happy with the choice the service user have made them they should still provide them with an active support and ensure that the service user knows that the support for them is still available to them. Balancing individual rights with rights of others also promotes anti-discriminatory practice. Therefore service provider can balance rights by giving all service users equal opportunities. Individual rights refer to the rights of individuals; in other words it means that individual rights must be balanced out equally with rights of other individuals. For example in a residents care home with a right to privacy would be 2 service users sharing their room with each other but the one service user(A) is always occupying the other service users(b) space and looks through her things and causes distraction all the time especially when she is trying to read. By doing this she (a) is breaking the service users (b) right to privacy. However the service user’s right to be treated equally and have a settlement in the home would then be breached if she had to be moved in to different room on her own. Therefore the service user (b) will need to give proper explanations on what is right behavior regarding privacy and new rules to accept by so that the service user A is getting his right to privacy while service user B is also getting his right to be treated equally. To stop discrimination, service provider must first identify the problem and then challenge the discrimination. To identify the discrimination they would need to determine what bases it was on whether it was on racial, sexual etc. and ensuring that people are aware of the dangers of discrimination. Reference:
*Health and social care level 3


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Ashion Indust

...Forever 21, Inc. Private Apparel Founded 1984 Headquarters Los Angeles, California[1] Number of locations 480 (2011) Key people Do Won Chang Founder & CEO Jin Sook Chang Chief Merchandising Officer Linda Chang Chief Marketing Officer Esther Chang Chief Visual Officer Products Clothing, Accessories Revenue increase US$2.6 billion Total assets $1.40 billion Employees 27,228 Forever 21 is an American chain of clothing retailers with branches in major cities in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East that offers trendy clothing and accessories for young women, men, and girls at low, affordable prices. Forever 21's marketing image is based around made-in-the-USA merchandise produced in California, however most product pages indicate items are imported. It sources its designs from hundreds of Southern California suppliers. Forever 21’s merchandise does not have uniform specifications, quality, patterns or even sizes; these details vary by supplier. Contents 1 History 2 Stores 2.1 Conversions 2.2 International 2.2.1 Europe 2.2.2 Asia 2.2.3 Latin America 3 Controversy 4 References 5 External links History Forever 21, Briarwood Mall, in Ann Arbor, Michigan The chain, originally known as Fashion 21, was intended at first mostly for middle-aged women. The store was founded in Los Angeles, California in 1984 by Do Won Chang...

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