Premium Essay

-Explain the Potential Effects of Five Different Life Factors, on the Development of an Individual-


Submitted By Ellamanuela
Words 1564
Pages 7
P2: Explain the potential effects of five different life factors, on the development of an individual.

These are the five life factors on the development of an individual

1: Genetic – Psoriasis.

My mother inherited Psoriasis from her mother.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a common skin problem affecting about 2% of the population. It occurs equally in men and women, at any age, and tends to come and go unpredictably. It is not infectious, and does not scar the skin.

There is more likely to be a family history of psoriasis in people who get it when they are young than in those who develop it when they are old. A child with one parent with psoriasis has roughly a 1 in 4 chance of developing psoriasis too. If one of a pair of twins has psoriasis, the other twin has a 70% chance of having it too if the twins are identical, but only a 20% chance if the twins are not identical.ihiu8ggoyf

Treatments fall into three categories:

topical – creams and ointments that are applied to your skin phototherapy – your skin is exposed to certain types of ultraviolet light systemic – oral and injected medications that work throughout the entire body
My mother finds it difficult to wear short sleeve tops as she doesn’t like the way that her skin appears. Its can also cause my mum some pain (burning sensations, itching and flakey skin). My mother has had this since she was a child and has been to see her GP who referred her to a dermatologist, he advised her of some treatment that may help the skin condition. She tries to attend sunbeds when her health isn’t bad, as the ultra-violet light helps the skin appear better and helps the psoriasis feel smoother. She also has a cream that needs to be applied twice a day, this should help the skin be less flakey and make the skin less likely to crack.


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