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Submitted By khatoon
Words 1423
Pages 6
Task1 * The types of information they use with example. * They use different type of information: * Verbal information:
This ministry has a specialist’s employee; they use them especially for students at primary school to spread awareness about preservation of the environment such as recycling of waste.
This is the best beautiful of communication to the children as they use cartoon characters. * Written information:
Such as brochures on environmental awareness and a forestation, newspapers and advertisement attached in the streets to publishing the environmental awareness in our society, for example, instruction for putting trash in places allocated to it, advice for recycling to preserve the environment, So everybody care on cleanliness of every where he / she go. * On-screen and Multimedia information:
They have got an advertisement and programs like, ads to motivate citizens about the cleanliness of the country or programs specialty for kids to educate them about cleanliness. * Web-based information:
They have got a web site on the internet to provide some information such as, there daily news and activities participated at schools, so people can take any information at any times from a web site of their Ministry of Municipality.

* The sources from which they get information. * External: * Government sources: For example, the ministry of municipal provides training courses for staff about how to publish environmental culture and how to get people’s minds to convince the importance of preserving environment. * Research: So by this way, the employees that working in this job have enough knowledge about environment, more trust in working and more benefit for our society such as they planting exotic trees, some of them benefit for medicine or insect repellent such as “ Alneel tree”. * Trade grouping: These

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Isaac Storm

...decisions after a horrific disaster in 1900 [Larson]. In addition, well-researched essays by Henry Demarest Lloyd and Emma Goldman back up Larson’s theory that the Gilded Age was actually a very dark time for the United States. Isaac’s Storm describes the historical aspects of the national weather service, weather forecasting, and hurricane predictions. Larson gives insight into the personal tragedy of a destructive storm in September of 1900 and how it affected Galveston, Texas and its position as a major city in the United States. Teemed with devastation and arrogance, the book follows Isaac Cline who was one of the first meteorologists at a time when there really was not a true science connected to weather predictions. He showed a real aptitude in this new field and eventually found himself assigned to the weather bureau in Galveston, Texas [Larson]. At the beginning of the 20th Century, a great confidence pervaded the United States. Isaac Cline was one of the era’s new men, a scientist who believed he knew all there was to know about the motion of clouds and the behavior of storms. This type of confidence was matched with the wealth and power of industry leaders acting as robber barons and not captains of industry [Foner]. According to Larson and essayists Lloyd and Goldman, there was an imbalance between the rich and the poor and the United States felt bigger and stronger than ever before. The Galveston Hurricane of September 1900 will...

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