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A College Degree


Submitted By johannacolato
Words 860
Pages 4
The Value of a Higher Education Parents often look at the positive outcomes of sending their children off to college but never view the negativities. America is obsessed with college. In class, we read Kathleen Porter’s article, “The Value of a Higher Education” where she states no matter how much college is worth, in the end its worth going the extra mile, even for the people that can’t afford it. Never say never because dreams are always worth chasing for. In the other hand Linda Lee in “The Case Against College” she objects a strong belief towards a college degree. She argues that a college degree or higher education isn’t right for everyone and that there are other possibilities to be successful in life. Students should strongly agree with Porter’s position. In which a college degree is worth having, because its benefits are having a higher paying salary, having a better future for oneself/being successful, and meeting up to the requirements.
A higher paying salary will benefit you in the long run. Katherine explains that college graduates who take the time and dedication to study and achieve what they want to be in life will be successful. Having a college degree will grant you a high paying job. For example if you want to pursue a career in the medical field such like myself, I would need a degree, and not only will that degree grant me happiness but also the income that I will be earning. Having a degree will always put you on top of a well paying job.
Containing a better future for oneself wants to be a better person in the life. Most students today, as Katherine Porter states enroll in public four-year colleges or a two-year college but 80 percent of those students have no idea what they want to do in life (Porter 465). But as David Wessel indicates in his article that some higher paying jobs are required lower college degrees now a days

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