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A History Marred with Mistakes


Submitted By taraanne21
Words 2336
Pages 10
A History Marred with Mistakes

Tara Ventres Axia Collage of University of Phoenix COM 150 Effective Essay Writing Jolyn Rex February 16, 2009

In today’s world there are places that still uses force as a means of treatment or punishment for the mentally ill. The patients are chained down, sexually assaulted and beaten. Whatever society thinks of mental illness this type of treatment has to stop. Once we have educated ourselves on mental illness, we can begin to have a better understanding of those people who suffer from these types of diseases. If we look to the past we can see where we went wrong and correct those mistakes. Mental illness is something that can be traced throughout history. By looking back over the past of mental illness we see that there were infinite numbers of mistakes made a long way. We cannot allow those same mistakes to take place again. By breaking the cycle and avoid those same mistakes we can build a better future for the mentally ill. This is why I believe it is important to study the past of mental illness. Evidence indicates that Mental illness can be traced as far back as the early Egyptians. What we know today about mental illness is far different then what early Egyptians believed. The early Egyptians believed that all diseases had some type of physical affect on the body as well as the mind. The Egyptians did not differentiate between mental and physical illness. They did believe that the heart was the cause of mental illness. During the time of early Egypt, many believed that the cause of mental illness was from some type of loss usually money or status. Egyptians

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