Premium Essay

A Night at Work.


Submitted By laylabianc
Words 1483
Pages 6
Deshawn Battle
English 101 G
Professor Haptas
March 31, 2016

A Night at Work. The sound of chimes repeatedly sounding off from patients call lights. Nurses in blue scrubs rushing while patient care techs dressed navy blue uniform right beside the nurses like sidekicks. The House Director announces in a smooth calm voice over the intercom, “Code Blue- Room 344.” It’s never easy working in a hospital, especially being part of the nursing team. You have to know vital things, that may save or kill a patient. You have to be quick on your toes about everything, from how to avoid a patient from causing harm to you or themselves, to if a physician asks something about a specific patient you have to be prepared to answer it promptly and correctly. For instance, if a physician asks, “How many liters of o2 is room 344 on?” You have to be able to answer the physician within a split second. As I walked into work today, I knew it was going to be one of the worst days I would have. I could feel this funny tingling in my bones. My right hand’s index finger twitched sporadically, which often happens when I sensed something was not right. We start the beginning of every shift with a prayer from the nurses, before we continue back to the nursing station. The lights are dimmer than they are in the front the computer with the computers side by side, making an oval like shape. We exchange reports on important information on 12 patients, there are 24 in total on the unit and we divide them among two PCTs. It’s important to exchange the patients’ information because it would have to be constantly utilized throughout the day, and during my night shift. The night shift is always so busy during this time. All the patient care technicians are rushing for reports, while the nurses are rushing to ensure there are no beeping iv’s and no feeding machines are low on

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