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Abel In Genesis

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God creates the world by dividing it into a system of doubles—the sun and the moon, light and dark, the land and the sea, and male and female. When Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit, and when Cain kills his brother Abel, good and evil become apparent in the otherwise perfect world that god creates. It is described in Genesis that not only is man made in the image of God, making man parallel to god, but woman, also contrasts with man, because of how she was created from man’s rib. Old Testament writers describe the world as a place of binary opposites, setting two opposing forces against each other in order to show the stark contrast between the two. These forces include positive and negative, good and bad, and lesser and greater. The Old …show more content…
An older brother kills his younger brother because he is jealous of the younger brother. He is jealous because he feels the younger brother has received greater favor from the one they both worship. He then lies to the authority to conceal the murder. This is a common human pattern – repeated in one form or another for all time. In Genesis, Cain has disobeyed the Lord and lied to the Lord. The result is that Cain suffers a horrible punishment. This story is told over and over to generations of Christians and Jews by generations of village priests. In its simplest sense and repetition, it is a method of mitigating the deadly pattern of human nature. “Therefore whoever kills Cain will suffer sevenfold vengeance.” (4.9) The flock is reminded to obey the Lord, parents, the church, or the king or else. This is how the darker part of human nature is contained, but not eliminated. Religions have by necessity had to find a way to come to grips with the fact that humans have always made terribly bad decisions and always …show more content…
The two brothers are described in relation to each other. Cain and Abel are fundamentally textual doubles who serve as each others foil in order to make a theological point. This implies that Cain’s function as murderer necessitates Abel’s victimhood. “Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him.” (4:5). The narrative requires a non provocative victim in order to stress the destructiveness of the perpetrators aggression. Cain’s sin can only be made absolute in contrast to his victim’s complete innocence. Abel's lack of character further emphasizes his sinlessness. In order to have good there must be an evil. Not only does this apply to Cain and Able but also remains relevant when considering the relationship between man kind and god. The good in god cannot be represented without the inherent evil of mankind. The original sin by Eve allows a contrast between not only humans and God but also between men and women. A hierarchy is established through opposites. Opposing forces must be contrasting each other in order to see the good in

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