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About Culture


Submitted By undrmaa
Words 2993
Pages 12
Northwestern University
Kellogg School of Management


International Business Strategy
INTL 460
SECTIONS 61 and 81
Fall 2008

Professor Daniel F. Spulber
Office 606 Leverone 491-8675

International Business Strategy
Course Description
The course defines the objectives and strategies of international business. The course emphasizes economic analysis of international business strategy formulation.
Topics covered include gains from trade, costs of trade, and the competitive strategy of the international business. The course considers alternative modes of market entry, including import and export through intermediaries, contracting with suppliers and distributors, strategic alliances and foreign direct investment (FDI). Case studies are used to illustrate the basic principles of multinational business management and strategy. The course introduces the
“Strategy Star” analysis.
The first week of the course is dedicated to introducing international business strategy and providing a review of the micro-economics concepts that will be employed during the course. The course then introduces the concept of the ‘Global Value Connection.” This concept is used to develop global competitive strategies that depend on doing business between countries. Weeks 2 and 3 present strategies for providing global added value. The course highlights the economic aspects of gains and costs of trade that are relevant to the international business manager.
Weeks 4, 5, and 6 develop the different sets of country features around the “Global
Strategy Star Analysis.” This provides a framework for understanding and building an international business, and achieving competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Strategic features of the international business are grouped into (i) home country features,

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