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Above the Clouds


Submitted By cnc511
Words 888
Pages 4
Paper Critique: “Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing”
Reviewer: Carol Williams

1. (10%) State the problem the paper is trying to solve.
The paper is trying to demonstrate that EMV (a protocol suite and proprietary protocol framework) is broken and needs to be fixed.

The paper makes an attempt to clarify terms, provide simple formulas to quantify comparisons between of cloud and everyday Computing, and identify the top technical and non-technical obstacles and opportunities of Cloud Computing. It also states that confusion by clarifying terms, providing simple figures to quantify comparisons between of cloud and conventional Computing, and identifying the top technical and non-technical obstacles and opportunities of Cloud Computing.
“We argue that the construction and operation of extremely large-scale, commodity-computer datacenters at lowcost locations was the key necessary enabler of Cloud Computing, for they uncovered the factors of 5 to 7 decrease in cost of electricity, network bandwidth, operations, software, and hardware available at these very large economies of scale. These factors, combined with statistical multiplexing to increase utilization compared a private cloud, meant that cloud computing could offer services below the costs of a medium-sized datacenter and yet still make a good profit.” 2. (20%) State the main contribution of the paper: solving a new problem, proposing a new algorithm, or presenting a new evaluation (analysis). If a new problem, why was the problem important? Is the problem still important today? Will the problem be important tomorrow? If a new algorithm or new evaluation (analysis), what are the improvements over previous algorithms or evaluations? How do they come up with the new algorithm or evaluation?

The Author’s talk about how they assume the Cloud Computing vendor employs

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