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Absenteeism In The Workplace

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Government Authorities (LGAs) could perceive that they are on duty when consulting any client while at home.
Managing workplace absenteeism is one of the difficult human management issues facing employers and employees for years and even today. This study tried to identify the causes of absenteeism in the workplace as well as its impacts; the findings of this study will be useful to the management of human resources and reduce employee’s absenteeism at work places. In his article Munro (2007) suggests that the issue of absenteeism should be researched to assess the extent of such perceptions and actual loss of working hours in a given productivity.
Therefore this research is so important in expanding knowledge about absenteeism of workers …show more content…
Extensive time, effort and cash are poured into attracting, selecting and training members of staff, but too little of the same are directed towards reducing absenteeism. It was worthwhile carrying out this study because of the numerous problems associated with employees’ absenteeism and its attendant effect on the productivity and effectiveness of an organization or firm.
This research was conducted at Busokelo District Council (BDC) found in Mbeya region and not any other Local government Authorities due to various factors, some of them were; cheap travelling costs by the researcher within the district council hence reaching various Local Government workplaces easily, access to various equipments to support the study, access to the population of interest as well as achievable research …show more content…
Employee absence at the place of work doesn’t only affect someone or an employee who is absent at the workplace, but rather the employees in general and their departments are affected. From the economic point of view absenteeism leads to the loss of potential productivity plus the increased government expenditure on needless interventions for example overtime costs and other benefits to workers may be required to make up work. Absenteeism reduces spirits of others and hence low output of an organization (Warren, 2002).
The functions of Local Government Authorities are disadvantaged due to workers absenteeism. This problem is one of the main harms facing many sectors in Tanzania. Small percentage of workers absenteeism may cause considerable amount of production lost. Workers absenteeism directly affects the production and productivity. It causes a replacement which is costly and time consuming, so many formalities have to be followed to maintain and replace a person hence during that time production is hindered to a great

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