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Adam and Eve or Adam and Steve


Submitted By therager
Words 952
Pages 4
Devin Brumfield
English 2
5 November 2013
Adam and Eve…or Adam and Steve?
The following is a persuasive essay that argues two points: whether same-sex marriage is wrong and whether it is not. Before this essay is started out, here are a few interesting facts on homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The Netherlands was the first nation to legalize same sex marriage (in 2001). Same sex marriage is outlawed in 76 countries as of 2013. These are just a few out of the ma ny facts about homosexuality/same-sex marriage. This essay has several key points to why same-sex marriage is okay. Same sex marriage/attraction is not a sin and the Bible and history is wrong about the definition of ‘traditional marriage’, it does not affect heterosexual values/attraction, it increases the number of adopted orphans, I) Traditional marriage (same sex marriage isn’t considered a traditional marriage because its same sex) isn’t historically/culturally accurate a. The Random House Dictionary (circa 1970) defines marriage as “the state of being married”. Today, many Americans like to define marriage as “a bond between a man and a woman only”. Traditionally, Christians (who make up America’s religion census) oppose the concept of same-sex marriage because in the Bible it is viewed as a “sin”. Protest and posters that read “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” and “God hates fags” all because same sex marriage isn’t “traditional” marriage. The shocking thing is that it isn’t just Christians who believe this; several other major world religions such as Islam and Judaism both view homosexuality and same sex marriage as a sin. In the Bible, Leviticus 20:13 states: “‘if a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." In the book of Genesis 2:18, God said “It

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