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Submitted By puisanxiiaosan
Words 3168
Pages 13
Question 1
Dynamic System Development Methodology (DSDM) is an agile project that delivery frame, mostly used as a software development method. DSDM is an iterative and incremental way that included the principles of agile development, including continuous user participation.
Stage 1A: The Feasibility Study
At this stage of the project, the feasibility of the project can be detected using DSDM. The decision is made by judging the type of project, organizational and people problems, whether to use DSDM or not. Subsequently, it will generate a feasibility report, prototypes, and a global outline. The report, prototypes and global outline includes a development plan and risk log. In short, it is the most important techniques used by the workshop in solving the feasibility of the project at hand.
Stage 1B: The Business Study
Next, this stage analyzed the essential characteristics of business and technology which the feasibility study will be then extended. After that, the project has been considered feasible using DSDM and this step is to check the impact of business processes. *A sufficient number of the customer’s experts are gathered to be able to consider all relevant facts of the system and to be able to agree on development priorities.* A list of requirement is combining by the information from these meetings. After all, it built up a priority list of requirements, a business area definition, structure definition systems, and an outline of prototype.
Stage 2: Functional Model Iteration
As for this stage, identify functional prototype is included in the functional models can be further divided into four sub-phases in order to determine the function prototype, the results from this iteration to achieve. Secondly, schedule on how and when to develop these capabilities will be agree. Thirdly, a functional prototype is created with investigation, refinement,

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