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Submitted By romeromi
Words 1578
Pages 7
Airdevils Inc. is a professional aerial stunts firm based in Salt Lake City, Utah. The firm was founded by Celsey Evans in 1995 and its clients range from the movies to marketing industries. Over the years Airdevils has created a positive reputation based on their innovative aerial stunts and the workforce has increased to 115 employees. In the past, Airdevils was the recipient of several national and international awards. However, they have failed to receive any accolades in the industry the past few years. To make matters worse, some employees are unhappy with the quality of the stunts and others have left the company or have spoken out about how unhappy they are. The founder realizes this is a problem and conducts a Job Description Index (JDI) survey, and seeks out the help from an organizational psychology consulting firm, Dream Teamworks, to help her resolve the issues. The survey depicts the four major problematic areas, job satisfaction.

Job Satisfaction

In the past couple of years, Airdevils has declined in its quality of performance and has failed to receive any awards. The founder believed that this was probably because of the increase in workforce and the employee’s resistance to get to know each other better. The JDI survey depicts a low level of job satisfaction, specifically among the stunt performers The dissatisfaction was more evident when the founder discovered an Internet blog that showed the employees sharing the dissatisfaction with the company.
As the organizational psychologist, of Dream Teamworks, the survey results, organizational structure, operations, and Internet blog would need to be reviewed prior to determining the reason for the low job satisfaction. My findings are that the cause of the low job satisfaction among the stunt performers, is because they cannot do what they joined the company for. They believe the stunts are

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...have cited all sources from which I used language, ideas and information, whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, and that any and all assistance of any kind, which I received while producing this paper, has been acknowledged in the References section.  This paper includes no trademarked material, logos, or images from the Internet, which I do not have written permission to include.  I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have the same validity as my handwritten signature.   Student's signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Diana Salisbury Abstract The “Improving Organizational Performance” Simulation was based on a fictitious professional aerial stunt company called Airdevils Incorporated in Salt Lake City, Utah. A female airborne aerobatic performer, Celsey Evans, founded the company in 1995. At first, she was the only employee but quickly signed up four of her colleagues in 1996. By 2007, the company had grown to 115 employees. The company won numerous national and international awards almost every year since its inception due to their dramatic and darning aerial stunts. Their revenues came from their dedicated customer base. However, in the last couple of years, the company they have not won any rewards. Customers are expressing their dissatisfaction with the quality of the stunts and key personnel have left the company. The combination of all of this has affected the employee job...

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