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Alcohol and Energy Drinks


Submitted By mattmichalos
Words 2430
Pages 10
Running Head: Pyschodynamic and Behaviourist Perspectives

A Comparison and Contrast of the Psychodynamic and Behaviourist Perspective in Psychology

Matthew Sealey – 1778013
Swinburne University of Technology

Due Date: Monday 31st March

Alcohol and Energy Drinks

The aim of this study was to examine whether alcohol consumption increased when an individual consumed an energy drink. 172 participants completed a two part survey comprising of questions regarding alcohol consumption and completion of the Risk Taking Questionnaire 18. The hypothesis that alcohol consumption in a single sitting would be higher in the high propensity group in comparison the low propensity group was supported. The hypothesis that alcohol mixed with energy drink consumption in a single sitting would be higher than alcohol only consumption in a single sitting was rejected. It was concluded that an individual with a higher pre-disposition for risk-taking behaviour would consume more alcoholic beverages in a single sitting than an individual without the pre-disposition to risk-taking behaviour. Future research should examine the effects alcohol has on energy drinks in comparison to individual consumption in order to truly understand the effects it has.

Energy drinks (ED)’s are a relatively new concept in the overall soft-drink market, but are essentially rebranding and reselling caffeine to a different target market with an entire new sense of appeal. This appeal seen by the younger demographic of consumers is being combatted with the potential health risks of consumption, especially combined with the depressant, alcohol (McCusker, Goldberger & Cone, 2006).These energy drinks claim to provide the consumer with bursts of energy through the use of caffeine and guarana as the principle ingredients, while also using simple sugars such

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