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Alexander Hamilton Research Paper

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"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?" was not the original concern for the great Alexander Hamilton. Not believing that he could live past twenty, this man went on to accomplish many great things and convince New Yorkers to agree to ratify the U.S. Constitution. The brilliant work of Hamilton was displayed through the masterful musical "Hamilton" created by Lin-Manuel Miranda. As Niccoló Machiavelli claims, a politician's success relies on two factors; his own abilities or skills and his external circumstances. These hold true for what led Alexander Hamilton to successes. "By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter" (Alexander Hamilton, Miranda). The trading charter involved dealing with associations formed by investors …show more content…
"Tradin' sugar cane and rum and other things he can't afford" (Miranda, "Alexander Hamilton"). In the triangle trade routes, sugar cane was shipped from the Caribbean and the south to Europe. Hamilton's life is seen as representing sugar cane. Sugar cane has its juices extracted from the pulp to create molasses. It is dried out and worked hard to create something better. This is the case for Alexander Hamilton also. "Dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by Providence" (Miranda, "Alexander Hamilton"). He came from nothing, was pushed to his limits, and became something great. He was brought up off of poverty which relates him to most men. He had to learn about hard work and prosper for himself while in the middle of nowhere. Hamilton lived and cried with the common man. Hamilton, in the musical Hamilton, goes to Aaron Burr for help, "Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir" (Miranda). He is inspired by someone of greater power, just how the ordinary man is. This is part of what makes Hamilton successful. He has to learn from others, find a way, and make a name for himself. Success …show more content…
In the triangle trade routes, slaves were shipped to America from the 16th to 19th century. This is just like Hamilton as he was illegitimate and an immigrant; born on the Caribbean island of Nevis, he came to New York City in 1774 (Solomon). He came from the lowest of lands to the country of opportunity. This change in scenery gave him and appreciation and love for America that allowed him to become inspired to make it better. He lived the travel and knew what needed to be changed; he did not simply hear or read about it in a book. These experiences are what brought him to be the brilliant leader that he was. Hamilton was uneducated just as the slaves were. He used his surroundings, lessons, and experiences to write and learn just as state in Alexander Hamilton "Put a pencil to his temple. Connected it to his brain and he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain" (Miranda). Also on the trade routes, slaves lived in very poor conditions and were treated with very little respect. Family members died and friends were separated; Hamilton experienced these same events in his life. They did not have health care or support, "Alex and his mother, bed-ridden half dead sittin' in their own sick, Alex got better but his mother went quick" (Miranda, "Alexander Hamilton"). He witnessed his own mother's death and no one was there to help. These kind of life events are

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