Premium Essay

Allegory And Symbolism In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Words 1306
Pages 6
The setting of Anthem takes place in a dystopia. In this dystopia the World Council wishes for all men to be equal and alike. The council decides on jobs for all the brothers, and then expects them to do their job correctly. In the dystopia there are also multiple rules you must follow, and if you don't you will be punished. Then later in the novel they are placed in the woods, away from civilization. They live in a

Uncharted forest; This symbolizes the unknown
Brothers; In this novel “brothers” symbolizes everyone together labeled as one group.
The number after each of their names; This symbolizes who they are as a person and within their “category”.

Allusions Unmentionable times; The unmentionable times is an allusion …show more content…
Gaea; This is referencing towards the greek goddess of Earth.

External conflict:
One external conflict is that Equality 7-2521 breaks a lot of the rules in society. One example of this is when Equality 7-2521 falls in love and has feelings for a girl when you are not supposed to. Another example of Equality 7-2521 breaking the rules is when he finds a tunnel from the unmentionable times, and doesn't tell anyone, when you are supposed to. He also finds light, which is also from the unmentionable times and he eventually tells people which almost gets him killed. Lastly he eventually runs away with his girlfriend to live with her in a secluded area. These are some examples of external conflict.
Internal conflict:
One example of internal conflict is when he believes he is evil for liking Liberty 5-3000. He thinks he is a monster for having feelings for her because it goes against society. He still continues to talk to her and conversate, and eventually runs away with her. The internal conflict is him fighting himself in his mind and feeling like an awful person. These are some examples of internal conflict.

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