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Ana Nursing Definition


Submitted By twins98
Words 259
Pages 2
The definition of Nursing per the ANA is Nursing is the protection, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of the illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of the human response, and the advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities and populations. The metaparadigm of nursing addresses nursing in four basic terms person, environment, health and nursing practice. The ANA definition is more specific to where we are today and touches on all four components of the metaparadigm which are the basics of nursing. We must treat the whole person, which includes the family, the psychosocial aspects of individuals and community, ie populations. In nursing providing advocacy in the care for individuals it is started by continuing to bring education of the patient and community to the forefront to continue our promotion of health and prevention. We are doing this at every level of care starting with our pregnant moms and the great care and prevention our society encourages as well as to the infants care with our immunizations and well baby check ups to the teen ager where we offer sex educations, sports education on concussions and offer healthy choices in the school cafeterias. We have improved our care with pregnant moms through teenage years as stated in the ANA definition of nursing and relates back to the basics in the Metaparadigm. It is noted that Nursing plays such a key role in caring for our patients from individual to populations and we have made such a difference in our society.

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