Premium Essay

Analysis Of First Let's Fire All The Teacher By Diane Ravich

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Pages 2
The article “First, Let’s Fire All the Teacher” by Diane Ravich, was about the “No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)” signed into law by former President George W. Bush on Jan. 8 2002, and how it affected schools around the country. One point the writer made was how poverty played a key role in the way students lien by showing us two schools, one in a high poverty district were many of the student don’t speak English, don’t regularly attend school because they have to earn money or babysit there siblings while their parents are looking for work, and some come to school unprepared because they didn’t do their homework. The other school is about 45 minute away in a better neighborhood. The children are almost all born in the U.S. , and their parents

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