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Analyzing Art and Architecture


Submitted By lonissa0513
Words 934
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Running head: Art and Architecture Analyzing Art and Architecture

HU300 Art and Humanities: 20th Century and Beyond

Art and Architecture
I have lived in California for three years, have visits San Francisco numerous times and it was not until this past weekend that I saw the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco for the first time. We took the trip to show our foreign exchange around and show her the beauty of our area and I was surprised to find myself in amazement not only that I did not rush to see such a thing before now, but the beauty and history of the building (pic. 1) as well. In the center is a large dome topped structure surrounded by intricate detailed carvings beautiful landscaping surrounds the front towering columns, stretching from each side is 200 feet of shorter square buildings with columns across the front. (pic. 2) As you stroll through the structure you see detail and beautiful carving in every corner and every inch, (pic 3) in the main Dome, when you look up, you’re surrounded by statues of angels looking down at you from every direction making you feel like you’re the center of their attention. (pic. 4)
In the year 1915 architect Bernard R. Maybeck was given the task of creating a Palace of Fine arts for the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, its sole purpose was to exhibit works of art. Bernard R. Maybeck used a classicism approach and chose the theme of a Roman style ruin with a romantic feel and Greek decoration.
When Maybeck presented his sketch on a brown piece of paper to the commissioners they were dazzled by the exhibition hall, its colonnade, and its rotunda. Our reading this week stated Whenever the desire is to combine function with form that only a great artist can bring to architecture, conflicts inevitably arise between those who create and those who pay for the or use the structure. (Janaro &

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