Premium Essay

Angel Heart


Submitted By erin2115
Words 918
Pages 4
The question is in Angel Heart, is the elements that our tragic hero witnesses completely integrated to the gripping conclusion or is it more a series of episodes which do not connect; the former being tragedy, the latter being an epic. Aristotle tells that the six elements (plot, character, thought, diction, spectator, song) are required. The characters in a tragedy should be a good man who is consistent and not far away from the reality. In the case of Angel Heart, The viewers follow a virtuous character though the movie and identify their selves with him. In a tragic part of the movie, Harry Angel makes a terrible mistake, begins fall down and his credibility begins to change. Regarding Aristotle’s theory of tragic plot, some people think that unity of plot means that there should be a single hero. In reality, unity of plot should mean, "the plot must imitate one action and the structural union of the parts be such that, if any one of them is displaced or removed, the whole will be disjointed and disturbed" (Aristotle 7). Parker channeled essential teachings from Aristotle in Angel Heart. Harry Angel is a private eye in Harlem. Harry Angel is a defenseless, yet practical, and also rough around the edges with a side of sleaze character. He receives a call out of the blue asking if he wanted to take on work to locate Johnny Favorite. Harry Angel enters a world that is known for its bizarre religious exercises. This is where he meets Louis Cyphre. Louis Cypher is a bad man that is incessantly enthralled by the corruption and crumble of the soul. Louis Cypher exemplified that as he ate the hardboiled egg as if he was feeding on a soul. Cyphre's conversational skills in respect of the case are a little limited, but Angel is desperate to earn an honest dollar and decides to investigate the disappearance of big band swinger Johnny Favorite. Johnny Favorite

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