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Anti-Bullying Prevention Proposal


Submitted By srothenberg
Words 6417
Pages 26
Youth at Risk
Prevention Proposal – XYZ High School Anti-Bullying Program

Juvenile Justice

Prevention Program Proposal


The direct target group is the current freshman class at suburban middle class XYZ High School (XYZHS). Naturally, as the sophomore, junior, and senior classes matriculate through the school, they will be indirectly affected by the program and expected to hold true to the lessons and values taught in the anti-bullying curricula during their freshman year. The demographic for the direct and indirect target groups are as follows: • General Demographic o The population of residents ages 15 to 19 for the school district is 9,075 making up roughly 8.3 of the county population (Harnett County Schools, NC General Demographic Characteristics, n.d.). o Of the 108,885 residents, 71% are white, 23% are African American, 2% claim American Indian or Alaskan native as their race, 1.3% are Asian, 0.2% claim Pacific Islander, and 5.5% claim some other race (Harnett County Schools, NC General Demographic Characteristics, n.d.). o 9,171 residents or 8.4 of the county population are of Hispanic or Latino descent (Harnett County Schools, NC General Demographic Characteristics, n.d.). • Social Characteristics o Out of 39, 356 households, 1,130 are single fathers with kids under 18, and 3,918 are single mothers with kids under 18 (Harnett County Schools, NC Social Characteristics, n.d.). o 25 out of 1000 women ages 15 to 19 have given birth in the past 12 months (Harnett County Schools, NC Social Characteristics, n.d.). o Out 32,556 school age kids, 6,259 are enrolled in high school, which translates to less than 20% all kids enrolled in school for the county (Harnett County Schools, NC Social Characteristics, n.d.). • Economic

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