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Appendix E Insurance Matrix


Submitted By mjrbigmama
Words 342
Pages 2
Associate Level Material
Appendix E

Insurance Matrix

|Type of Insurance |Functions |Example of Company |Coverage Characteristics |
|Auto |Automobile insurance protects the driver and their |State Farm Insurance Company | Pays the majority of expenses caused by bodily injury|
| |vehicle from financial repercussions when involved | |liability, property damage liability, collision, |
| |with an accident. | |bodily injury, personal injury, medical bills, work |
| | | |loss, rental car reimbursement. |
|Home |Provides you with protection against the financial |Allstate Insurance Company |Covers expenses caused by destruction or damage of |
| |loss that comes with the damage or destruction of your| |property caused by fire, explosion, glass breakage, |
| |home and personal belongings, it provides you with | |water, theft. Expenses resulting from a loss. Legal |
| |protection against any lawsuit filed against you for | |defense |
| |negligent acts. | | |
|Health |Provides you with routine care, emergency medical |AARP Insurance Company |Hospitalization bills (cover the deductible and |
| |assistance, chronic condition treatment and | |co-insurance if possible), medical reimbursement, |
| |pharmaceutical care. | |Regular doctor bills, any other medical related bills.|
|Disability |Disability insurance pays you a monthly benefit if you|Prudential Insurance Company |Offers employers effective solutions for managing |
| |get injured and are unable to perform the normal | |disabilities and absences. Benefits for specific |
| |functions of your job. These payments will continue | |periods of time, with short-term disability insurance |
| |until you are well again or until you exhaust your | |covering from a couple months up to a year, while |
| |benefits. | |long-term disability insurance provides coverage from |
| | | |one year to the rest of the insurers lives |
|Life |Life insurance provides funds to the people you name |Met Life Insurance Company |Pays beneficiaries the face amount or death benefit. |
| |as beneficiaries in your life insurance policy. In | |The death benefit is not taxed. Many life insurance |
| |exchange for paying the premiums, your insurance | |policies also have an accelerated death benefit |
| |company will pay out a death benefit to your | |feature included, which can be requested while you are|
| |beneficiaries after you die. | |still living and gives a percentage of the death |
| | | |benefit upon diagnosis of a terminal illness. |

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