Premium Essay

Appointment of Governors


Submitted By shayeri
Words 495
Pages 2
Appointment of Governors: Implication for Federalism
The very fundamental structure of Federalism is based upon the pillars of division of power between the Centre and the States. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar most aptly weaved the concept of federalism by stating that the basic principle of federalism is that the legislative and executive authority is partitioned between the Centre and the State not by any law to be made by the Centre but by the Constitution itself. The States in our constitution are in no way dependant on the centre for their legislative authority. The Centre and the State are co-equal in this matter.
It needs to be specified that “only the spirit of ‘cooperative federalism’ can preserve the fine balance between the Union and the States and promote the good of the people and not an attitude of dominance or superiority. Under our constitutional system, no single entity can proclaim superiority. Sovereignty does not lie in any one institution or any one wing of the government. The power of governance is distributed in several organs and institutions, a sine quo non for good governance.”1 However scholars like Gledhill and Jennings held that federalism in India is a cover designed to conceal its Unitarianism: “India has only a facade of federalism without the substance of federalism”.2 It is the role of the governors as the central agent that tilts the federal balance in favour of the Union, thus providing validity to these assertions.
The office of the Governor plays the crucial role of ‘a hyphen which joins, a buckle which fastens the legislative part of the State to the executive part3 at the Centre ; keeping the Centre apprised of the developments of the State thereby assisting the Centre to perform its Constitutional obligations towards the State. However, this is merely the concept embedded in the pages of the constitution which is the culmination of

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