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Approach Document for Private Cloud


Submitted By tsmanyam
Words 1166
Pages 5
This document outlines the approach to be followed to take up a private cloud initiative.
Cloud Computing is the latest IT trend which is so promising for both IT & business results. With a lot of hype cycle predicted for next few years and all vendors embracing cloud concepts at their possible levels, customers are tempted to try & embrace cloud for their benefits. However, a few questions bother the customers like:
• Is it just another buzzword or a real game changer?
• Is it safe enough?
• Does it give results to me, to my specific setup, for my workloads?
• Is it proven & trusted enough?
• How effectively does it build on top of the applications, infrastructure & expertise that my organization already has?
We advise the Cloud Computing Solution Advisor to keep all these things in mind while a cloud promise is made to customer. Essentially all aspects of a customer’s current & past details are key for successfully drafting a cloud strategy or a cloud computing roadmap for a customer.
Successful Private Cloud Initiatives Lead To:
• Lower TCO for hardware & software
• Higher utilization of server rooms & rack space
• Optimal risk buffers for application SLA management
• Effective DR & BCP results
• A trend of Capex slowly moving into Opex
• Better standardization & compliance
• Improved end-user experience, faster applications, fewer downtimes, better managed scheduled maintenance windows
• Power savings & Green efficiency, reduced overall carbon & water footprint of the organization
• Improved utilization of existing IT systems, software licenses, servers, network, storage etc – operational efficiency at all layers
Wrongly-handled Cloud Initiatives Lead To:
• Data privacy issues
• Increased vulnerabilities
• Customer dissatisfactions in a multi-tenant setup
• Initiative

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