Premium Essay

Are We to Blame for Obesity?


Submitted By Kanadaa9
Words 1448
Pages 6
Are We to Blame For Obesity?
Fast food is becoming a major issue world-wide causing problems and disease such as obesity, asthma and diabetes. Fast food has become an addiction to almost the entire nation but who is to blame? In the articles, “Don’t Blame the Eater” by David Zinczenko and “What You Eat Is Your Business” by Radley Balko two different viewpoints are expressed on fast food and what it does to the individual as well as the economy. In the articles both authors show their awareness of the problem at hand but point the finger at two very different groups of people using factual and statistical evidence as well as personal opinions. Although both arguments are very valid, David Zinkzenko’s essay provides the reader with a lot more than opinion.
The title in every essay brings it to life. A spunky title will keep your audience yearning to read what the writer has to say, while a boring title will readers doped up on energy drinks to get through what the writer has to say. David Zinczenko’s title, “Don’t Blame the Eater” catches the reader’s eyes. The title as a whole has the audience asking questions about the “eater”, and who blames them? However, the title of the second article, “What You Eat Is Your Business”, by Radley Blanko comes off as arrogant and insensitive to the reader. An example of a less arrogant title would be, “All You Can Eat”, this title would be more pleasing to the reader allowing them to imagine an all you can eat buffet. As a reader, I take immediate offense to the title because of the negative connotation it gives off.
Without a strong claim, a paper has no foundation. Both author’s do exceedingly well when providing a powerful claim to their argument. In the essay “Don’t Blame the Eater” Zinczenko expresses his concern for obesity but argues that the consumer is not the one to blame, fast-food companies are. As he emphasizes on

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