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Arguing the Future


Submitted By michbali
Words 1032
Pages 5
You Got Mail Communication has a big role in our lives. As humans, our means of communication develops. Before technology existed we would use mail, symbols, or music to send messages. Sharing information that keeps business and factories running, helping people in trouble, paying bills, transportation, and food supplies, and more. If people continue to rely on text messages and email to communicate, then people would run the risk of never really being understood, which creates the potential for unnecessary conflict. During the past, daily planners determined communication and it is still evolving as a whole new level to communicate to one another. Communication has been emphasized in the future. The field of communication has always been powerful and had its own histories of adapting through time with difference audience of literacy. SMS or short message system was developed in the mid 1980’s that became a method to exchange 160 characters that is received in a mobile phone. An article from EbscoHost, “Mobile Text Messaging: An Emerging Market Tool” by Mannappa Omkareshwar states that in today’s society, text messaging is mostly known by sending messages rapidly. He also states that text messaging one of the examples that involves a system of sending invitation. This has become a popular of communication inside and outside the United States.

When having face-to-face conversation we are able to see eye contact, body language, and voice to get the message through immediately. But over the phone, when typing a message with poor grammar, the message will be interpreted in a different way the receiver reads the message. An article from EbscoHost, “How to manage the Negative Communication” by Pandey Anoop states that, “There are many ways to communicate the positive aspects, but there are ways of speaking negative words.” Communicating comes in both ways; most people forget that there are ways to get their message through without giving a negative feedback. The negativity should be avoided at all costs so there would not be more conflict. The article from EbscoHost, “How to manage the Negative Communication” by Pandey Anoop also indicated that the lack of communication usually leads to negative communication which will make the message uncomfortable for the sender and the receiver, the signs of negative communication follows from negative words, nasty emails, force. There should be alterations and solutions for things that cannot be done. There are only a couple of examples of communication and can be non-productive and negative. Positive or negative, miscommunication is not effective. Anoop states that when employees get a positive or negative feedback it will affect their work habits, as communication, the message we receive means a lot when it comes from another person. In a professional point of view, when an employee has a positive feedback they able to work harder and get motivated even more. When employees get a negative feedback or commented that is read misinterpreted, the employees’ point of view from work would change with what the customer thinks of them.

This other day, I received a test message from a friend saying, “Ok I’m done just sitting around if I can help let me know.” After receiving this message, I re-red it and realized that it was sent wrong, thinking it was meant to say, “I’m done. Just sitting around. If I can help, let me know.” There are different meanings in the two messages, the first message sounds like they are frustrated just sitting around and wanting to do something about it. The second one sounds like they are available. Text messages like these are not the first and would not be the last that sends the wrong idea. Everyday, people use text message, online instant message, social networking sites like Facebook or twitter, email to communicate with one another that only a few people choose to meet in person or even pick up the phone. An article from PlewGlobal, “Global Digital Communication: Texting Networking Popular Worldwide” specified, “Texting is highly prevalent – in 19 of 21 countries, a majority of phone owners regularly send text messages.” Text messages seem to be the only way of communicating worldwide. It is the most common way to for people to talk to one another. A poll from a MIT psychologist Sherry Turkle believes that when texting in an apology or calling to “say ‘I’m sorry’ and hitting send” – is an example of what is lost when we type instead of speaking, a full-scale apology has been bypassed. Text messaging clearly is here to stay but it is recommended to avoid entirely. Too much texting would lead to miscommunications, and “hiding in plain sight” that would keep a person entirely alone. Texting is considered to be rude and intrusive, but it is also personal and has given the level of personalization that goes into the text message. Messaging has given mixed results in terms of getting the message across from one person to another without leading into a conflict. Interaction is limited; with the limitation it is difficult to exchange information over SMS or MMS. With the characters limited, people use shortcuts that are mostly misread. Text messaging has both its ups and downs, it is clearly stated that text messaging is here to stay and it is the most popular way to interchange information in a device. It issued from companies, marketing, and advertising purposes. But with too much text messaging, there would be less face-to-face interactions and the message from on person to another would not get through clearly without the tone of voice, eye contact, and body language then most messages will lead to conflict. Relying on technology to communicate will not be a good future because there would be more conflictions rather than solutions.

Works Cited
Anoop, Pandey. "How To Manage The Negative Communicatin (Feedback)." Advances In Management 5.12 (2012): 3-5. Business Source Elite. Web. 6 Nov. 2013.

"Global Digital Communication: Texting, Social Networking Popular Worldwide." Pew Global Attitudes Project RSS. N.p., 29 Feb. 2012. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.

Omkareshwar, Manappa. "Mobile Text Messaging: An Emerging Market Tool." Advances In Management 5.12 (2012): 10-16. Business Source Elite. Web. 6 Nov. 2013.

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