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Arguments for and Against Trade Liberalization Leading to a "Race to the Bottom" in Environmental Standard


Submitted By loisendekere
Words 689
Pages 3
Group Project
Arguments FOR and AGAINST trade liberalization leading to a "race to the bottom" in environmental standard
Many affiliates of congress fear that trade liberation has been leading the country to go on a “race to the bottom”, when it comes to environmental protection. And as a result, this has led many countries to place tough trade restrains due to the fear of what could happen to the country down the line. In my opinion, I do not agree with that statement. I don’t think that trade liberation could be the only thing that would lead to a “race to the bottom” in terms of environment safekeeping. I believe that free trade is important in dispensing the economy of a country with means that will allow it to embrace measures that will supplement the safety of the environment.
That means that free trade is a compulsory element in stimulating economic growth. Without a country’s growth, it would be even harder for the country to provide the mandatory or necessary protection amongst its people. For them to be able to enhance environmental protection, they should first be able to enlarge the wealth of the country. The truth is, some of the poor countries cannot supply to provide environmental protection more than they can provide fundamental needs such as food and healthcare. Most of these environmental groups refuse to allow trade promotion authority because they are afraid that it will lead to environmental distractions. Therefore, they persuade that trade promotion authority needs involved parties to at least keep minimum required standards and that they be made essential. However, this necessity will not stimulate the growth of environmental protection. As it is that some countries are ready to allow US to govern their native environment, chances of conferring free trade consensus in the future for other countries are being limited due to the harsh restrictions due to the fear of “race to bottom”. In retrospect, alternatively to enhance the growth of environmental protection, it will demolish the protection and America plus other consumers who would have gained from the lower prices, will suffer severely.
Furthermore, nations with higher greater income are more likely to afford environmental protections; on the other hand, imposing same standards to the non-wealthy countries puts them in a situation where by they would have to pick either to pay for protection or to provide the nation with basic needs such as food and health care. So instead of going through all those problems where by the country has to choose what to provide for its people reason being it could not afford both, why not do free trade that will bring a revenue to the nation and stimulate the economic growth in such a way that the country would be able to afford all the needs of its people.
I believe that the fundamental thing to enhance the safekeeping of the environment is by expanding the economic growth. There was an illustration that was demonstrated by an institute’s president, Dr. Alan Moghissi, whereby he left everyone with an intriguing question that stated “how do you explain to a father in the Brazilian rain forest, who is poor, has sick children, and is hungry that he should not cut trees because it may impact the biodiversity?...poverty the equivalent to exposure to the most toxic pollutant."
Moreover if a country was to open a large market and provide more opportunities to the unemployed citizens, this could boost the economic growth by enlarging benefit margins, market shares and sales. Industries can pick to create those benefits by enlarging their work places and also involving into new market sectors to create greater paying jobs to the citizens. In conclusion, I believe that trade liberation does not lead to “race to the bottom” in environmental standard.
Eiras, A. (2001, September 27). Trade: The best way to protect the environment. Retrieved from Johnson, N. (2013, June 14). Does freer trade mean lower environmental standards? Retrieved from

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