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Army Values Essays


Submitted By serenitykrouse
Words 414
Pages 2
In the US army we are taught to live by the seven army values. They are broken down to us in the acronym ‘LDRSHIP’. Loyalty “Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers.” Duty “Fulfill your obligations.” Respect “Treat people as they should be treated.” Selfless Service “Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates above your own.” Honor “Live up to the army values.” Integrity “Do what’s right legally and morally.” Personal Courage “Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral).” The Seven Army Values of remain at the core of soldiering. The following statements are what each mean to me as a soldier.

In my personal opinion, Loyalty means being a person that other’s can count on. That when the time comes, you will be there to do what needs to be done. You will be true and faithful to them no matter the outcome.

Duty to me is accomplishing a task that needs to be done, no matter how much you dislike doing the task. It is a force of will and intestinal fortitude that keeps us on track and keeps us moving forward on whatever mission we are trying to accomplish.

Respect is something everyone wants, it’s in our nature. In order to obtain respect, first one has to respect oneself. Second one has to show respect to others, in order to gain respect from them.

Selfless Service is your duty towards your fellow soldiers and your team. It means placing the needs of the Army, your unit, and your fellow soldiers above your personal gain. It is the balance of the mission, your family, and your personal needs.

Honor starts with being honest with oneself and being truthful in all of our actions. Being honorable means not ignoring or reinforcing any problems, or to preventing someone else from solving any problems.

Integrity means to me that a person can be counted on to do the right thing all the

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