Premium Essay

Around the World in Eight Days


Submitted By 10madhurima
Words 44143
Pages 177
Master’s thesis
M.Sc. in EU Business & Law

An analysis of the European low fare airline industry - with focus on Ryanair

Student: Thomas C. Sørensen
Student number: 256487
Academic advisor: Philipp Schröder
Aarhus School of Business
September 13, 2005

Table of contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Preface


1.2. Research problem


1.3. Problem formulation


1.4. Delimitation


2. Science and methodology approach
2.1. Approaches to science
2.1.1. Ontology Objectivism Constructivism
2.1.2. Epismotology Positivism Hermeneutics


2.2. Methodology
2.2.1. Types of research
2.2.2. Types of data Quantitative data Qualitative data Primary and secondary data


2.5 Reliability and validity


3. Theoretical framework
3.1. The structure of this thesis


3.2. Theory on strategy and competitive advantage
3.2.1. The Positioning School Theory on Porter´s Five Forces model Theory of Generic Strategies
3.2.2. The Resource-based School Theory on SWOT analysis


4. The low fare airline business model
4.1. Introduction


4.2. Differences between the LFA model and the FSA model
4.2.1. The service factor


4.2.2. Turnaround times
4.2.3. Homogenous fleet
4.2.4. Point-to-point travel vs hub-and-spoke travel
4.2.5. Higher seat density
4.2.6. Choice of airports
4.2.7. Distribution system
4.2.8. Frequent flyer programmes


5. Analysis of the macro environment
5.1. Introduction to the theoretical framework – PEST Analysis


5.2. Political/legal issues
5.2.1. Liberalising the European airline industry
5.2.2 State aid
5.2.3. Commision vs Ryanair/Charleroi Airport
5.2.4. Passenger rights in

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