Premium Essay



Submitted By Nadineshihadeh
Words 784
Pages 4
When you knew how to speak, what was your first word ? It is Mom. We have grown up in the arms of our mothers. We have grown up in the great love of our mothers. No one loves us like our mothers, no one is willing to sacrifice everything for us like our mothers. If someone asks you “Who is the best woman in your life ?”, I bet you will say it is your mother. And if someone asks me like that, my answer also is my mother.

With me, my mother is the best woman in the world. No one can replace her in my heart. I admire my mother, I don't know why she is always busy with daily chores, taking care of my family but she never say she is tired.

Every day, she is the first person in my family, who wakes up very early. Then, she makes breakfast for my family. When my father goes to work, I go to school, my mother stays home and does all the daily chores. When my father and I come home, there is always a delicious dinner, which is waiting for us. After the dinner, my mom washes the dishes. Sometimes, I ask her to help, but she says: “It is fine, you should go upstairs and do your homework”. Mom always wake up very early, and Mom is the last person can take a break after a busy day. I realize that without my Mom, my father and I cannot have the clean house, the delicious meal and the clothes which always iron straight. Mom gives me and my father all her love.

She loves us more than herself. Her love for us is great like the ocean, the universe and nothing can replace it. She is not only my mom, she is also my friends, my big sister, who I can share all my problems and stories in life with. When I am sad, happy or stressful, Mom is always by my side and comfort me. Sometimes, I get angry with my mom because she remind me too much things, especially they are all things I know. Then, I realize that she just wants me- her son to be good.

Making my mother cry is the

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