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Bbc One


Submitted By aditya0312
Words 254
Pages 2
* Founded in 1922 * Public service broadcast of Radio and Television * Independent of government and overseen by a board of governers * One of the few Broadcasters in the world which did not carry advertising
Reach was to 50 Million/week domestically and 300Million/week worldwide dsadddcv sd sd * BBC was run more as an institution rather than a company * Prior to the year 2000 there were three main divisions designed to deliver value for money a) Resources b) Program Production c) Program Broadcasting * Each division had its own head quarters and they traded with each other in an internal market * Chief executive was in touch with all operations * There was clear definition of responsibilities * Decision making was slow because senior managers were overburdened * Co- ordination between functions were difficult * Difficult to cope with diversity and failure to adapt (focus was internal rather than on audience.)
The Structure in place during John Birt was clearly Functional Structure * Flatter and flexible structure was put in place. * Senior management layer was removed – 17 directors would report directly to Director General * Removal of duplications of central and support functions * Simplifying internal trading * Control by performance * Specialization of competencies * Geographic divisions for better control * Each division became independent and self sufficient * Because of this independent behavior of different units and the sheer size of the leadership group and the executive committee, hands on editing by Greg Dyke was not possible. Hence accountability was difficult to ascertain in this structure.
Greg Dykes Structure was mostly a Multi Divisional

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