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Because We Can, We Must.


Submitted By shelbypaske
Words 1019
Pages 5
Because we can, we must.

Bono is known for being the lead voice of the Irish band U2 and also taking the crown for passionate activist and humanitarian. He sits on the board of Elevation Partners and is known for co-founding DATA, EDUN, the ONE Campaign, and Product RED. This incredible man has been praised in many ways including being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, receiving an honorary knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II, and his greatest success being named Person of the Year in 2005. Bono has a few commencement speeches under his belt, and in 2004, he spoke of “betraying the age”, influencing graduates to take life by the horns and make a name for themselves. By using allusion, analogies, and anacoenosis, Bono calls a new generation to face the winding road ahead of them, life. “I was 17 when I first saw The Clash, and it just sounded like revolution… Later I learned that a lot of the rebels were in it for the T-shirt. They’d wear the boots but they wouldn’t march. They’d smash bottles on their heads but they wouldn’t go to something more painful like a town hall meeting”(Bono). Bono begins his speech by looking back on a time in his life when he was growing up and realizing how important everyone was to society, but how no one was taking a stand or doing anything about arising issues. Opening up to his audience through this allusion creates a connection between them. This relationship is kept as he makes his speech more about himself than the students. He talks a lot about the extraordinary experience he had in Africa in 1985, and looking back he remembers a man coming up to him stating “You must take my son because if you don’t take my son, my son will surely die”(Bono). Even though he walked away from that man, he never really walked away from what he experienced. Using pathos through allusion, Bono makes it clear to his audience that these kids, who have AIDS and have no home, can be helped, and this is the generation to change everything. “Remember what John Adams said about Ben Franklin, ‘He does not hesitate at our boldest Measures but rather seems to think us too irresolute’”(Bono). By delivering this quote to these students, he’s encouraging them to not hesitate. If they want something, they’ve got to be the ones to retrieve it and chase their dreams. The connections Bono made might have influenced half the individuals and blown right past the other half, but using allusion creates an image in the audiences’ heads with which they can do what they please. Bono sets up many analogies throughout his speech to make unfamiliar ideas more familiar to his audience. “Your pockets are full, even if your parents’ are empty, and now you’ve got to figure out what to spend it on”(Bono). He creates a parallel between money in your pockets going into college, and all the ideas you have coming out, and all that can be done with them. A very successful job is done by Bono as he introduces this new, terrifying idea to these students that they’ve got so much ahead of them. But, he does this in a sincere and calm manner which creates hope rather than fear. Also, using many analogies makes his call to action more clear. Rather than coming right out and saying, “HEY, go make something of yourself!”, Bono speaks of his own accomplishments and states, “Whether it’s this or something else, I hope you’ll pick a fight and get in it”(Bono). His expectations for his audience are clear as he tells about their importance and influence in society. An extremely strong impact is made by anacoenosis. Bono is constantly asking his audience questions; some have very obvious answers, and some are asked to really make them think. “Four years in these historic halls thinking great thoughts and now you’re sitting in a stadium better suited for football listening to an Irish rock star give a speech that is so far mostly about himself”(Bono). This produces the question, “What are you doing here?”(Bono). Although this question is highly rhetorical, it gets his listeners pondering over their own purpose. As he continues to talk about his efforts in Africa, he talks about how easy it is to wish the AIDS and poverty away, but there has to be heroes who are ready to take action. “We can wish it, but what the hell can we do about it?”(Bono). Introducing his own interests influence these students to think about theirs. His anacoenosis is effective because it comes with silence and thought; the questions shake up everything his audience has known, and introduces the realism in it all. As Bono closes his speech, his very last question is, “So what’s the problem that we want to apply all this energy and intellect to?”(Bono). He knows that every era has its own struggles and obstacles to face. We’ve overcome slavery, segregation, so now what? He leaves the University of Pennsylvania students with gears turning in their heads, ideas waiting to come to life. Bono uses his intellect, charm, and wit to give what many professors and mentors to these students may have never been able to give, and that’s a whole lot of hope. His audience sees him in a light that is real as he speaks of his journey and introduces them to theirs. By using allusion, analogies, and anacoenosis, Bono’s ability to make real life connections with a group of people way younger than him is astonishing. He was effective as he delivered the 2004 University of Pennsylvania commencement speech all because of his ability to kick off the new generation with something to think about, a way to change, and advice on how to take control and make a difference.

Almanac Between Issues. University of Pennsylvania, 19 May 2004. Web. 3 Feb 2012.

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