Premium Essay

Before and After the Cellphone


Submitted By lindseyboone851
Words 547
Pages 3
Cellphones have gradually become an imperative part of peoples lives today. 70% of the world's population have cellphones. These days, people and their mobile phones seem to be inseparable. Texting or calling someone when we wake up has become a usual habit just like brushing our teeth in the morning. For many of us, it's hard to imagine a time before cellphones. Having a cellphone has changed our manners, the way we communicate, and our safety.

Before cellphones there seemed to be more peace and quite. People seemed to have manners. Today people don't always remember their manners when using their cellphones. People constantly carrying on personal conversations in a public place can be very annoying. Some people talk really loud and don't care that everyone around them can hear every word they are saying. It can be extremely disturbing to someone when they are walking in a mall or down a street and someone starts speaking right beside or behind them. They turn to respond, only to find out he or she beside them has an earbud active.

Before we had cellphones people would actually write letters. During my elementary school days it was “cool” to pass notes. We actually used complete sentences and words that were in the dictionary. Also before cellphones if someone was to leave the house, they didn’t make a phone call unless they popped 10 cents into a pay phone. People never received any calls away from home. People actually had to be out of touch with friends and family when they weren’t at home. Now that we have cell phones letters are rarely sent. Today note passing is rare. If kids want to communicate during school they simply just shoot each other a text message. Also, today if someone is to leave the house, making a phone call is easy. With a quick dial on a cellphone people can make a call at any time.

Cellphones have not only changed the way we

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