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Benefits Of Volunteering And The Salvation Army

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Volunteering lets a person gain new experiences and learn new skills when helping those in need or serving their community. A volunteer is when a person freely offers to doing something. Being a volunteer can benefit and impact their life in many ways. Volunteering is a wonderful thing to do for the community and others. Volunteering is a civic responsibility that a person should take on as a United Sates citizen. The Salvation Army is one of many organization that he/she can volunteer through. Angel Tree is one of the multiple programs that the Salvation Army offers that a person can volunteer through. Salvation Army is a non-profit organization that anyone can volunteer through. It is a Christian company that operates around the United States …show more content…
It can impact the volunteer’s life in ways that they never knew it could. Angel Tree has a positive impact on a person’s life. They are bringing joy into a child’s life that might not know what happiness is. Angel Tree also benefits a person’s life by volunteering which is doing good in your community and helping others which are in need. It also benefits the less fortunate lives because they are receiving presents for their children or themselves. It brings the poor children a reassurance that someone does indeed care about them. These children cannot help that they live this way and they need to know that someone cares. It brings the parents a sense of happiness knowing that someone cares enough and is giving their personal time to go buy presents for their child to make sure they have a Christmas when the parents cannot afford it. The volunteer can gain relationships with families and children while volunteering for Angel Tree. One of the main reason I choose this organization is because I have volunteered for Angel Tree. My personal experience volunteering for Angel Tree made me feel so great about myself. I had only done volunteer work once before I got involved in my school’s student council group. It was such a wonderful experience getting to volunteer at such a young age. Volunteering can benefit a person as a United States citizen. As a United States citizen, a person have a responsibility to volunteer and they need to do so. The volunteer can gain so many benefits from volunteering and I think everyone once in their life should volunteer for

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