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Beowulf Analysis


Submitted By Cammyl15
Words 821
Pages 4

A hero is anyone from any background who keeps the innocents in a community safe at all costs even if it puts their own life in danger. An Anglo-Saxon hero is someone from noble ancestry and reflects the image of a “knight and shiny armor”. A modern hero like Harry Potter, from the Harry Potter series, and an Anglo- Saxon hero like Beowulf, from Beowulf, are fairly similar, yet are completely different.
These heroes have different motives, these two heroes are set in different times. Harry Potter was set in the nineties and Beowulf in the eighth century. Having different time settings makes the motives of the heroes different. Harry Potter’s reasoning to do things is based out of love. Love is a big part of his life even though his parents, his godfather and his mentor died he is still able to love. Without love he wouldn’t be alive, he would have died an infant. Harry relies on love to trust in his friends to help him in his battles. Beowulf never really had anything close to family, so he did not have anything equivalent to love. Which made him have different motives. That were simply fighting in favor of his king. His battles were never for personal reasons because he did not have an emotional attachment to anything. For example, when he went to go fight Grendel it was because he owed him a favor not because the battle was centered around him. Beowulf is very self-confident. When he was waiting in the hall he said that “Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not, easy as it would be.” (Raffel 44). Beowulf claims that he can defeat a demonic monster that was spawned by Cain and that it would be too easy a fight if he used a sword. Harry Potter on the other hand is very modest. He never brags about all his accomplishments. Instead he gives credit to his friends and

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