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Biometric Identification Advantages


Submitted By stormy56
Words 2287
Pages 10
Biometric identification Advantages Numerous advantages for the biometrics make the technology for identification much easier than the traditional methods. The simplest theory starts with the knowledge that each person has unique features, which belong to him or her, even when passed from generation to generation. The most advanced technology for identifying criminal suspects are biometric identification systems. Biometric identification defined as the process for identifying a person by human physical characteristics. Because each human unique, various parts of the human body are analyzed for comparison, and identification. Some forms of biometric identification are hand geometry, palm vein authentication, retina scan, iris scan, and facial scan recognition. The advantages of biometric technology are the extreme accuracy, and secured access to information. Retinal scan technology offers the proof that this technology has a near zero failure rate, which means that fooling this technology almost impossibility. Identification is fast as well, providing a system that is almost foolproof. The main pro of iris reading technology accuracy and alternation near impossible. Iris patterns do not require direct contact, and some scanners can focus on the eye finding the streaking patterns. The advances made in this area of expertise makes the iris reader scanner an excellent choice for law enforcement, and military applications (Blumenthal, 2010).
Biometric Identification Methods
Facial Recognition Facial recognition surveillance used often in law enforcement. The technology in law enforcement has its advantages and disadvantages because technology does not completely replace humans. The advantages of facial recognition surveillance help to deter crime, and capture criminals. The imaging equipment controlled by remote, for days, weeks, and months watching,

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