Premium Essay



Submitted By hdasajdasjhd
Words 618
Pages 3
The idea of studying a degree in Business Management is something that I feel passionate about. My interest in Business has existed since a young age, although I started to gain a better understanding of business concepts whilst studying it at GCSE. Since then, it has motivated me to learn and expand my knowledge in this field; hence the decision to continue studying Business at A-levels. One of the businesses that have inspired me to study Business Management is Tesco as they have demonstrated the principle of perseverance in business very well. , As the number one supermarket in the UK, Tesco attempted to replicate their success in China by using their UK business model. However, they were not successful at first as cultural differences meant that the UK model did not translate well abroad. Instead of giving up, they changed the way they operated and since then have become more successful in China. This has really inspired me and motivated me to learn more about Business Management and the strategies they use to sustain and develop their vision.

I believe that my choice in A-Level subjects have prepared me for a degree in Business Management. Studying ‘A’ Levels subjects such as English Literature, Financial Studies and Business Studies has enabled me to improve on skills such as independent research and learning, critical thinking, ability to review and work independently as well as working in a team. For example in English Literature my critical thinking skills has been vastly improved through analysing and evaluating various books and poetry. In Business and Financial Studies, we are expected to do a lot of research and independent work. This has helped me to become a better time manager as I have to organise and prioritise my work schedule carefully in order to meet deadlines.

As part of my A-Level, I was chosen to participate on “Pathways to Law”

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