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Black Tuesday: The Great Depression In America

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In this essay, I will go over the time period of American history infamously known as the
Great depression. The Great Depression was the longest-lasting economic failure in the industrialized western world. The Great Depression started on October 29, 1929, this day known to many as “Black Tuesday,” this economic downturn would last for ten years within the
American nation. Ultimately, it would bring the country to its knees as many of the nation’s banks closed, millions of individuals lost their money in the banks, people lost their jobs, agriculture began to see the worsening effects of the depression, and individuals began to abandon their land and move to the city. Although the American people were suffering the president at the …show more content…
Many were left unemployed and waiting for hours in lines for relief checks or a meal; even veterans were forced to sell apples or pencils on the street corners. This was the life of Americans now, within The Great Depression.
In addition, the cities were not the only ones to feel the effects of the depression. Our agricultural section was also feeling its affects, their lands were losing its top soil and the wind was picking it up and creating fierce sand or dust storms with it. The crops failed, livestock died, prices fell, and farmers were losing hope in the same amount of sand that was being stripped from their land then used to attack them in the dust storms. These dust storms and the drought that caused them led the area to be deemed the “Dust Bowl,” which caused many families to move to California in search of a better life and lose their farms and land as well. Since these people mostly came from Oklahoma they were called “Okies,” and many still faced poverty and homelessness. As time progressed and prices continued to drop some farmers even took to destroying their own products such as milk or wheat to decrease the supply in an attempt to …show more content…
Furthermore, these chats were very successful and attracted more listeners than most other radio shows. He achieved his goal by encouraging the American people throughout the rest of the depression and slowly but surely mended the relationship between the American people and the banks. All things considered, the time known as the Great depression was a truly disastrous time for America. Our economy basically died, many jobs were lost, many lost their money, and so much more horrible things. Although this may be true, we triumphed through it and this difficult time has taught us to better manage our country such changes in America being stock market regulation, and an increased role of the government in the American people’s lives that have continued even today along with our economic regulations. Although the reasons we made it through such a difficult time were the leadership that we were granted (mostly Franklin’s), the initiative that our government, under president Franklin, took to help the mass majority which were affected by the depression, and as well as the economic opportunities that arrived

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