Premium Essay

Blair Roundsquare: Summary

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Pages 6
Blair Roundsquare, acclaimed author of the Mystery Series, ‘Princess Molly, and Her Talking Goat Dolly, moved to Wrongberight, a rural southern town when he turned twenty-nine, to escape New York City. Usually, Blair doesn’t fraternize with the locals, however, on Sunday afternoon, he attends the Waylost Baptist Church, annual potluck just for a slice of Miss Cooler’s famous Peach Cobbler. While standing in line at the dessert table, Blair hears Sterling Gitmore ask Samuel Noseydo if he heard the news concerning Clemmie Sue Jarvis and Estelle Louise Button and their latest escapade on Saturday night. Samuel told Sterling he had and went on to say that it clearly demonstrates that those two women have less sense than Johnny Homer’s …show more content…
As a result, the pickup spins clockwise, then counterclockwise, as it moves down the middle of the narrow road, before it finally slithers sideways and abruptly stops. Coincidentally, the truck misses by inches a large, deep, pool of thick muddy water in which stood Estelle Louise’s rural mailbox, dead center, and her tumbledown doublewide trailer thirty paces directly behind the mailbox. Clemmie Sue chortles, as she thanks God for the adventure and speeds towards Estelle Louise’s home. Clemmie Sue relaxes her foot on the gas pedal as she pulls into the entrance of Estelle Louise’s dirt driveway, because it has metamorphosed into a slip and slide. Easing her way along she eventually reaches to the top of the driveway and parks forty feet from Estelle Louise’s home, between a stove and refrigerator discarded years ago.
As soon as Clemmie Sue stepped onto the front porch, a light rain begins to fall. Opening the screen door she enters the trailer, which happens to be darker than a bear’s cave. She gropes for the light switch near the front door and turns it on then enters the living room where she …show more content…
Immediately, upon standing shakes the wrinkles out of her faded lime green dress as she wiggles her feet into a pair of yellow satin shoes. Lethargically she ambers to the wall mirror and begins to refashion her long, thin premature white hair into a loose bun, which resembles a bird’s nest, perched on the crown of her head. As Estelle Louise picks up her oversize black patent leather purse off the coffee table, she turns to Clemmie Sue, and says, “Well, Tinkerbelle lets gets to

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