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Breaking Through


Submitted By anelmel
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Reading 93
Francisco Jimenez

Do you know about illegal people cruzing the line board? Well this is boy name Francisco Jimenez immigrated with his family to California from Tlaquepaque Mexico. He and his family came to the United stated because they wanted a better life. This family passes through very difficult moments.. Francisco had too much travel going to school, having a career and getting his goals true.
Frist of all Francisco Jimenez had too much travel going to school. It was difficult to him, he failed his first grade by knowing any of English and even though his teacher reported him to the border patrol he didn’t want to return to Mexico. Francisco enjoyed leaning and he knew that there was no school in El Rancho Blanco. Every year in winter time he had to miss a few months of school to help his parents to support the family working in the fields. Francisco never left the school.
Furthermore, Francisco Jimenez wanted to be a teacher and have his career. In addition when he passes to college he was very impact because it was very expensive. Francisco keeps working hard picking fruits in the field but he did pay much, but he never give up. Francisco started to talk and insist more with Mr. Robert Penney his counselor about the way to get into colleges and get a scholarship for the time he will spend there and he got it.
More over after a long and difficult hard work Francisco got his goals true. In short Francisco Jimenez got accepted in Santa Maria University he got a scholarship for four years. His parents were upset because he was living because he was the one helping supporting the family, but also really proud on his goals true. Francisco was the first in his family going to the university.
In conclusion “Breaking Through” shows us that illegal persons could do have a better life in the united Stated. Also that’s working hard your dreams become true. Francisco Jimenez had to work and study and he did make it. Francisco Jimenez decided to write “Breaking Through” because he had very good experiences of all what it happen to him and his family.

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