Premium Essay

Breastfeeding vs Formula


Submitted By mspero0912
Words 793
Pages 4
In the article “Breastfeeding, brain activation to own infant cry, and maternal sensitivity,” the psychologists are addressing the chemical response from the mother's brain when she hears her infant crying compared to her hearing another infant crying. They investigated the associations between breastfeeding, how the mother automatically responds to their own infant crying, and how bonded they are to their infant after giving birth. For this study they had seventeen biological mothers with full-term, healthy infants from postpartum hospital rooms at the Yale-New Haven Hospital. The mothers had brain scans data done between two and four weeks after giving birth. Then, data done on the relationship between mother and child was done between three and four months after birth during a home visit. Psychologists videotaped a mother and infant for five minutes and asked the mother to interact with her infant in a natural way. The results of this study showed that at two to four weeks after birth, neither group of mothers rated the two types of cries differently. However, the brain responses to own baby cry at two to four weeks postpartum revealed that breastfeeding mothers showed a greater hormonal response in several brain regions compared to formula- feeding mothers. In contrast, no brain areas were found to show greater hormonal activation among the formula-feeding mothers in response to own baby cry. At three to four months after birth, breastfeeding mothers have a stronger mother-child bond than formula-feeding mothers. Among breastfeeding mothers at three to four months postpartum, four mothers reported that they occasionally formula fed their infants. An analysis revealed that this did not significantly affect any of their data. “During the first postpartum month, several limbic and cortical brain regions previously shown to be important for caregiving

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