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Btec Law


Submitted By EllaSlater98
Words 5108
Pages 21
Understanding the elements of a crime and the aims of sentencing

Task 1:1: Actus reus
In criminal law actus reus consists of all elements of crime aside from the defendants’ state of mind. Actus reus can consist of the following;
Voluntary acts
Because this is the physical action carried out by someone it is the most common type of actus reus e.g deliberately causing someone pain by hitting them. Because the criminal law is mainly affected with fault on the defendants part, it has to be an intentional (voluntary) act otherwise if the defendant has no control over his or her actions they have not correctly committed the actus reus. In Hill v Baxter [1958] the court gave examples of situations where a driver of a vehicle could not be said to be doing the act of driving voluntarily. These included a driver losing control of his vehicle by being stung by a swarm of bees, or of he was struck on the head by a stone or had a heart attack whilst driving.
Involuntary Act
Examples of involuntary acts include where the defendant hits another person because of a reflex action or a muscle spasm, another is where one person pushed a second person causing them to bump into a third person. In this situation the act of the second person who has been pushed is involuntary. Even though he has still hit the third person, he has not committed the Actus Reus for any assault offence. This applied in the case of Mitchell [1983] the defendant tried to push his way into a queue at the post office and a 72 year-old man told him off for it. The defendant then proceeded to punch the man, causing him to stagger backwards into an 89 year-old women. The women was knocked over and injured and in the following days died of her injuries. The defendant was convicted of unlawful act manslaughter because he had done an unlawful act of punching the man. This was dangerous as it was an act which

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