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Burn to Revive


Submitted By klowe03
Words 1133
Pages 5
Burn to Revive In New Mexico and Colorado firefighters are battling a roaring wildfire. In New Mexico 37 thousand acres has been destroyed. Colorado has lost 43 thousand acres and one person. (Coffman, 2012) These fires are prime examples of why prescribed burning is a must. These fires had all the ingredients to make a big problem. There was a drought/lighting, debris, and humid temperatures. Prescribed burning, controlled burning is a management tool. These small burns in forest-like areas reduce wildfire. (Prescribed, 2012) This is done by teams of firefighters or foresters, studying the weather and characteristics of the area. Once the team has a date set to burn, they ignite the fire against the wind and down a slope. (Prescribed, 2012) They do this so the fire is controllable. Once the team is finish, they look for smoldering signs and extinguish any spots. (Prescribed, 2012) Controlled forest fires are healthy for the environment by reducing wildfires, increasing wildlife/controlling pest, and improving access. Prescribed burns reduce wildfires because it reduces debris on the forest floor; one of the key ingredients for producing wildfires. When logging in the area is complete, the trucks leave wood chips behind. Add that to the vegetation that grows naturally and the dead leaves and trees that fall every year, it basically becomes a big fire pit waiting to be ignited with the perfect storm. There are two types of burning to reduce debris: under burning and slash burning. (Walstad, pg. 4 par 2) Under burning is a control burn under a mature canopy in the forest; its job is to interrupt “fuel ladders” that grow up the canopy. This type of burning is to help improve habit and foraging conditions. (Walstad, pg. 4 par 2) Slash burning is used to dispose logging and other woody debris and shrubs that can create a fire hazard. (Walstad, pg. 4 par 3) When

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