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Business Strats


Submitted By msadore
Words 2296
Pages 10
Cango Week 1 And 2 Video Analysis Report
Week 1 & 2 Analysis Report
“Poor strategic planning is worse than no strategic planning. It can be a big waste of time and money” (“Strategic Thinking”, 2011, p.1). Strategic planning plays a very crucial role in helping organizations achieve their goals. The strategic planning process requires both managers and their subordinates to work together as a team to design, plan and implement those goals. We have noticed that there have been some deficiencies in the leadership of CanGo Inc. We have also provided some recommendations for the management team to improve their weaknesses so that the company can continue to stay successful in achieving its goals and launching itself to the online gaming industry.
(1) There is a lack of mission, vision and value in CanGo Inc. Liz, the founder and CEO started her company with an emergent strategy process. This strategy would not allow the company to stay successful in the long run. Liz thinks that the success of the company has nothing to do with strategic planning. As a result, she fails to recognize the importance of strategic management planning. This issue is the top priority to be addressed because it is the core foundation of the success of the company (BUSN 460, Week 1 Video, 2003).
(2) However, the management fails to analyze the company’s position in the market to set reasonable long-term and short-term goals. The goals and expectations seem to be unrealistic or unachievable. Goals that are either too easy or too difficult are less likely to motivate employees. Also, goals that are too difficult will only bring an increase in stress which can lead to low morale in the subordinates ((BUSN 460, Week 1 & 2 Video, 2003).
(3)There is a lack of communication and management participation. For example, the manager fails to conduct a formal meeting with the subordinate in

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