Premium Essay

Cabin in the Woods


Submitted By isaiahlawson52
Words 533
Pages 3
Cabin in the wood 500+words short essay

During the film Cabin in the woods there were many distinguished visibility in different rooms throughout the film. The two main ones were the control room and the cabin. In the control room there was high key lighting. In this room the three point lighting system came into effect. The key light was the primary source of light used in room. The fill light was to soften some of the shadows. Also the backlight was to intensify the feeling of death more for the audience. In the room the film directors also used a white light so we could relate to the place more. The film used these lights because they wanted to let the audience know everything was getting better. In the cabin there was low-key lighting. Candles and very dim lights lighted up the cabin very minimally. This is because low-key lighting is generally used to make the audience feel the sense of enigma and mystery. The film directors also used yellow lights in the cabin. The use of high key lighting system and low-key lighting system was used throughout the film to show different moods throughout the film.
There were many elements of mis en scene in the film Cabin in the woods. One of the elements of mis en scene was the old cabin. The cabin helped show the main place where the film will be taking place. This also lets the audience know that this is not a normal cabin in the woods. Another mis en scene was the control room. This place gave the audience a hint that this is where all the events will be triggered. Whenever you see buttons and switches you know something is going to happen when they are activated. This gives a more horror genre to the film when a scene of a button or switch is being pressed. These elements of mis en scene not only help tell the story but give the audience a sense of what is going to happen in the film before it actually happens.

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