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Caring for the Baby Boomer Population


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Caring for the Baby Boomer Population
Thomas Watrucki
Thomas Edison State College
Mentor Tish Dorman
December 7th, 2014

The “baby boomer” generation (those born from 1946-1964) are now our retirement-age elderly that we healthcare providers are challenged with caring for. The Population Reference Bureau estimates that there are 76.4 million baby boomers (as of April 2014). About 3 million baby boomers will hit retirement age every year for the next 20 years (Barr, 2014). estimates that 60 percent of this population will be managing more than one chronic condition by 2030. The American Hospital Association notes that the over 65 population will nearly triple as a result of the aging Boomers. What this means for us healthcare providers is that our healthcare system will be challenged with caring for a significantly increased amount of elderly with chronic ailments that we are seeing now. This will increase healthcare costs as chronic disease management increases and transitions are made from private insurance carriers to Medicare.
I interviewed a baccalaureate nurse who works on the geriatric medical surgical unit in my hospital and asked her to identify the special needs of the Baby Boomer Generation. She has been a nurse for 25 years and has worked on that unit for the past 12 years. Looking back on her experience and the current trends of problems she encounters with this generation, specifically with the lower income minority population that we work with, she was able to point out five issues that she sees as lingering problems in this population. The first one would be their ability to care for themselves and lack of a support system. Next she noted their decreased mobility and its potential negative effects. The third issue she noted was their poor nutrition. The fourth issue was their financial inability to access proper medical care. The last issue she was able to point out was their knowledge deficit in disease care and prevention. These five issues associated with our aging population can be addressed with nursing intervention.
As our elderly population ages, they will begin to need assistance in their activities of daily living. Many factors associated with aging and chronic medical conditions contribute to these difficulties. For example those suffering with Parkinson’s disease may have trouble with simple tasks such as buttoning a shirt. Another example could be the decrease in muscle tone and mass as you age that may make it difficult hauling groceries into the house. The nurse I interviewed mentioned how often she would see the patients disheveled and how family would report their homes as cluttered messes with insect infestations. These patients often live alone or with an aging partner. Family either lives close by but offers little support, or family is usually located somewhere far away. There are the elderly who are fortunate enough to live with a family or friend who offers support but then there is the factor of caregiver burnout that comes into play. The solution to these problems would be a transfer to an assistive living facility or to a nursing home. While that may not be an appealing solution to many as they would prefer to stay at home and independent for as long as possible, another solution would be the utilization of home care providers. Home care nurses provide a valuable service to their patients by helping them stay healthier, reducing costs, and helping them avoid hospitals and long-term care facilities (Romagnoli, 2013). A home care nurse can help the elderly in household maintenance, transportation, home modifications, activities of daily living, and health care.
The changes that are associated with aging can lead to problems with a person’s mobility. A big problem associated with decreased mobility is falls. Injuries sustained from the fall can in turn can worsen a person’s mobility. Each year, one in every three adults ages 65 or older falls and 2 million are treated in emergency departments for fall-related injuries (CDC, 2013). The CDC recommends that the elderly are taught exercise techniques to strengthen muscles, go over a patients medication regimen that can cause dizziness or drowsiness, eliminate home hazards that can place the person at risk for a fall, and finally to check the persons vision and aide them in obtaining corrective lenses. This is something a visiting nurse can accomplish. A study in Korea was done on the effects of a fall prevention exercise program on muscle strength and balance and the results showed that the training regimen showed an improvement in muscle strength, gait and balance, all aiding in fall prevention.
The elderly population who live independently at home often make low cost food choices, including fast food and prepackaged foods. These choices are guided my cost, vendor availability, and ease of preparation. These choices unfortunately often contain high levels of cholesterol, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. These food choices are often the reason for malnutrition and obesity. It is important for nurses to provide this population with nutritional education. A Chinese study was done in where a poor elderly population was selected and education on nutrition. They were taught on how to select healthy foods and prepare them. The study showed that after 6 months, their risk for malnutrition dropped from 70% to 18.3% (Chung, 2014).
The inability to access medical care, especially medications are another issue that will affect the baby boomer generation. The nurse I interviewed told me stories of how patients would take half their prescribed doses or take them every other day in order to make their medications last longer. We as nurses have to first educate the patients on the importance of taking the medications as prescribed. Secondly we must make them aware of patient assistance programs and make them available to them. Patient assistance programs (PAPs) are offered by pharmaceutical companies to help provide brand-name medications for low-income individuals who lack prescription drug coverage (Chauncey, 2006). Also, physicians play an important part in this problem. The prescribing physician should assess a patient’s financial capability to pay for medication and order cheaper alternatives accordingly.
Finally, health promotion and education in the elderly population is an important aspect of keeping the baby boomer generation healthy as they age. Older adults who practice healthy behaviors, take advantage of clinical preventive services, and continue to engage with family and friends are more likely to remain healthy, live independently, and incur fewer health-related costs (CDC, 2011). The ways a nurse can promote health are to encourage health screenings for hypertension, cholesterol, prostate exams, and breast exams. The holding of health fairs to educate on diseases, disease recognition and management. Offering influenza and pneumonia vaccinations and promoting exercise are among other things.
The baccalaureate nurse has a responsibility to the baby boomer generation in ensuring their health needs are met. First the nurse must ensure that the aging population has an adequate support system intact to assist them in their daily lives. Second the nurse must assess any deficits in mobility and assess risk factors that may affect the person’s safety. Thirdly, the nurse must assess the elderly’s nutritional status and provide the knowledge and resources to make healthier food choices. Fourth, the nurse must make available resources to access medications for those financially unable. Lastly, the nurse must promote health and increase medical awareness. These five things will ensure the optimal health of the aging baby boomer population.

American Hospital Association. When I'm 64, how boomers will change healthcare. (2007). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from
Baby boom. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2014, from boom
Barr, P. (2014). The boomer challenge. As baby boomers age, they will strain the system's ability to care for them. Trustee: The Journal For Hospital Governing Boards, 67(2), 13.
Preventing Falls Among Older Adults. (2013, September 23). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from
Healthy Aging. (2011, May 11). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from
Chauncey, D., Mullins, C. D., Tran, B. V., McNally, D., & McEwan, R. N. (2006). Medication access through patient assistance programs. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy: AJHP: Official Journal Of The American Society Of Health-System Pharmacists, 63(13), 1254-1259.
Cho, S., & An, D. (2014). Effects of a Fall Prevention Exercise Program on Muscle Strength and Balance of the Old-old Elderly. Journal Of Physical Therapy Science, 26(11), 1771-1774.
Chung, L. Y., & Chung, J. Y. (2014). Effectiveness of a food education program in improving appetite and nutritional status of elderly adults living at home. Asia Pacific Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, 23(2), 315-320. doi:10.6133/apjcn.2014.23.2.18
Older Adults. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2014, from’
Resnick, B. (2001). Promoting health in older adults: a four-year analysis. Journal Of The American Academy Of Nurse Practitioners, 13(1), 23-33.
Romagnoli, K. M., Handler, S. M., & Hochheiser, H. (2013). Home care: more than just a visiting nurse. BMJ Quality & Safety, 22(12), 972-974. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2013-002339

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