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Life of the leader and Brazilian ex-president, Lula da Silva
Lula was born Luiz Inácio da Silva on October 27, 1945, in Garanhuns, in the state of Pernambuco in Brazil's historically poverty-ridden northeast. ". Lula is the seventh of the eight children born to Aristides Inácio da Silva and Eurídice Ferreira de Mello. The name Lula, in Portuguese, means squid (the marine animal), but is also the nickname of many people called "Luiz”. Lula was a nickname that he legally incorporated into his full name after political followers began to use the nickname.
He was the seventh of eight children in a very poor family that moved around looking for work and often separated. His father, Aristedes, worked for several years at the port of Santos on the Atlantic coast. A year after that, Lula's parents divorced, and he moved with his mother to the metropolis of São Paulo. He start work at 12 years old, at a dry cleaning shop, then as a teen he started some factory work , and some years later moved to the Marte Screw Factory and was able to enroll in a three-year government metalworking course that qualified him for the skilled jobs of mechanic and lathe operator. With Brazil under the military dictatorship of General Humberto Castelo Branco, Lula joined the Metalworkers' Union but had little interest in politics. Lula's path to political power started in Brazil's trade union movement. In1969, he won a post in the Metalworker’s union, where he showed a talent for organizing and for negotiating with factory owners, and as a consequence by 1975 he became the president of a union organization of more than 100,000 workers. Labor unions under Brazil's dictatorship had been mostly government-sponsored organizations, but Lula was one of a group of leaders who led them toward greater advocacy for workers' rights and welfare.
Police actions against a 1979 metalworkers' strike hardened his resolve and made him consider the creation of a labor-oriented political party. Government repression of independent political activities was slowly being lifted, and on March 10, 1980, Lula, along with a group of union activists, intellectuals, and social reformers, announced the formation of the Partido dos Trabalhadores, or Workers' Party. From 1980 to 1995 he was the national president of the Workers' Party, relinquishing that position to head a liberal think tank called the Instituto Cidadania, or Citizenship Institute, that had among its goals the enfranchisement and full participation of all Brazilians in the political process.
In 2002 Lula ran for the Brazilian presidency once again, with Cardoso's hand-picked successor, José Serra, as his main opponent. The centerpiece of his effort was a pledge to end hunger in Brazil during his first term. Defeating Serra by a margin of 61 to 39 percent in an October runoff, Lula led the Workers' Party to its best showing ever; it became the single largest bloc in the Chamber of Deputies. Upon taking office he said that if he could make it possible for all Brazilians to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, he would have fulfilled his life's mission. On the governments of Da Silva, Domestic budgets remained under control, and Brazil's notoriously high inflation rate dropped from 12.5 percent in 2002 to 4 percent by 2006. The commercial sector was pleased by a reduction in Brazil's small business taxes.
Domestically, Lula pursued some of the activist antipoverty programs he had promised. During his presidency, Lula has done many social projects and received many awards. Since being elected, Lula has put social programs at the top of his to-do list. Lula’s main project has been to eradicate hunger. In March 2006, The Economist wrote that “Lula has a pragmatic foreign policy, seeing himself as a negotiator, not an ideologue. As a result, he has befriended both Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and former U.S. President George W. Bush.” Since Lula has been President of Brazil, he has received numerous medals. Some of these include the Brazilian Order of Merit, the Brazilian Orders of Military, Naval and Aeronautical Merit, the Brazilian Order of Scientific Merit, the Norwegian Order of Royal Merit the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle and the Order of the Southern Cross. He has also received the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation in 2003 and was the chief guest at India's Republic Day celebration in 2004. Next, in December 2008, Lula was named the 18th most important person in the world by Newsweek magazine. He was the only Latin American person featured in a list of 50 most influential World leaders. In 2009, Lula was chosen as the Man of the Year by two European newspapers El País and Le Monde. The Financial Times ranks Lula among the 50 faces that shaped the 2000’s.
Main skills and competences of the leader, Lula da Silva * Is able to plan * Have excellent communication skills * Knows how to built great interpersonal relationship * Organization strategies and executor (Is able to direct and organize, mobilize people for a cause.) * Is able to find and use data * Is a human capital developer, wants people to success (Talent manager, transform) * Leave a legacy. * Is able to criticize and make self criticizes * Is able to make decision that benefit each citizen equally * Is able to act depending on the situations * Care and respect diversity and multicultural factors * Creates and inspires vision * Set clear goals . * Manage other by example. * Service oriented. * Enable others to acts, he doesn’t became the center of every move. * Radiates positive energy.
Main Characteristics of public image, Lula da Silva * He will actively promote the sharing of ideas, so that everyone with different levels of expertise and skills are able to put forward their views. * Collect all ideas put forward in open group discussion and effectively delegate tasks to the people who best fit the role. He know the strengths and weaknesses of each person in the group and was able to entrust full responsibility accordingly. * He had truthful followers, even though outside the country. * He offers help and guidance to candidates, like for example, he talked and gave advices to Danilo Mejia , a candidate for the 2012 election of the Dominican. His very open person.
Challenges of 2011, Lula da Silva
He on the 2011, didn’t confront to many challenging due to the fact tha on January 1 2011, he left the presidency of Brazil, passing his role to Dilma Rousseff. Even though he doesn’t have any presidential duties, on this year he plans to create a NGO on his country , he wants to keep collaborating on projects against hunger and poverty.
Hi is actually the honorary president of the Labor party that he founded on 1990. Unlike some of his counterparts, he “is a person who does not seek personal enrichment, is an austere person” according to Oscar Laborde an argentine diplomatic and friend of the ex-president.
He’s trying to become a normal citizen again.


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