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Casve Cycle


Submitted By dscornell93
Words 1578
Pages 7
Smith 1

David Cornell Smith
Professor Einstein
CASVE Cycle Assignment
April 17, 2016

Smith 2
Throughout the semester, I have learned more about myself as a person in the business field. I began this class with high intentions to learn more about management, I truly was happy that I enroll in this class. I was concerned about working in groups in the beginning of the semester, this was a major key of success in this class. I didn’t want anyone who slacked in getting assignments done or meeting in class where everyone needed to show up. So I communicated with everyone in class and had an understanding of what people were serious about their work or just fooled around. Also I knew some of the people in class already and worked with some of them, so I knew who would be dependable or a liability in a group. As a business management leadership major, I’m going to be working with people day in and out.
This class is amazing, it’s a wonderful opportunity working with a real company and working with a fantastic team to figure out a plan to make their business better.
Next year I will be graduating from college and this summer I have the opportunity to working with a company in account management. After this semester is over I will be working for this company, I feel that everything is going great for me. It’s truly a blessing that I don’t for grant, my family is seeing the hard work I put in and their proud of me. This very happy and excited for the future in the process I’m influencing my friends to get job opportunities as well.
Overall, was my internal and external cues I experience that alerted me to reduce the gap with a situation and a desired state. If there’s something I wanted to learn about in this class is to learn about personalities with people I work with. I feel that I can get along with anyone, but figuring out peoples motives and loss of communicating can be really frustrating.
I have learned so much about myself in this class that has made me excelled in classes and work as well. My values as a person that honesty is always the best policy and that trust has to be earned. Maintaining a healthy work/life balance is very important sustains in life, I truly

Smith 3 belief if someone focuses and says determined they can get anything done. This all relates to my interest, skills and experiences at school and classes. I’m a very organized person that gets task done on time, I believe everyone should be done with things days before they are due. When I worked for America Reads I helped out the youth from ages 6-7 for their school work. I always made sure that understand what they are doing, some children took more time to get task done. I understand everyone learns at a different pace, nobody is the same so I always took my time to help them. When I took the Self-Directed Search, I was shocked my three letter code was
Enterprising, Conventional and Artistic. I was connected as an Online Merchants, they are conduct in retail activities of businesses operating exclusively online. May perform duties such as preparing business strategies, buying merchandise, managing inventory, implementing marketing activities, fulfilling and shipping online orders, and balancing financial records. Do task such as: Fill customer orders by packaging sold items and documentation for direct shipping or by transferring orders to manufacturers or third-party distributors.
The SDS review connects with my current goals and career plan in a couple of ways. I always wanted to pursue my dream in business management, and being connected as Online
Merchant is an option. I’m a person that enjoys working with people and can take control of a situation that need improvement and attention. I believe that online business is the future of the nation, and being connected with this position tells me that everything I do in business will be on computers. Currently right now on the CASVE cycle I’m letter C which Knowing I made a good choice. I have found an internship for the summer in business management and I’m excited to see where this opportunity leads me for the future.
The things I have done to generate educational and occupational alternatives are quite a few. I do research for job searches and use websites such as and to see

Smith 4 what’s around. I have used the career development center at the university to see career fair opportunities for my major and help with resume and cover letter help. The five alternatives I have considered from educational, occupational and employment were a couple. I wanted to go into the cooking field at Johnson and Wales before I started college, this was a decision I made with my parents. I’m glad that I went into the business field and not cooking, I have no regrets.
Another alternative that’s in the category of employment is working as a sale representative a TMobile. This was a couple of years ago, I made a choice to worry about college full time because my education is my most important goal. And working as a Teacher Assistance for America
Read, this job was me helping out Kindergarten children with their classwork and school work.
This was an amazing opportunity to work with the youth, but I’m a business management major
I feel that I need to get experience with my major. Verizon FiOS has given me an opportunity this summer to be an accountant manager and that’s my plan for the summer to do this position.
My other opportunity I have for an option is this summer is working for Bankers Life in their management position. I have my mind on one position already but I have this as a backup plan if something changes. I have eliminated three out of my five choice because they are not something
I want to do in the future, the business field has sparked my attention more throughout the years.
The factors that’s the most important for me when I make a decision is how can it benefit me for the future. When I make a decision, there are parts I put into perspective that benefits me such an experience, pay, travel distance and work environment whether is classes or employment these perspective a good decision or bad decision. The practical factors I put together is my major which is Business Management Leadership and how my major connects with my decision.
The costs and benefits of each alternative to myself, my family is security and stability. This is the main motive around everything I do whether it’s employment or classes.

Smith 5
I would need to implement my first choice in a couple of steps, the first one is location. I find this step important when it comes to travel time from my location to work or school. The second one is pay, I find this conservative on a daily bases from bills, gas money and other expenses. The third step is the work environment whether it’s my job or class work, can I focus on my class work or my do my job without any distractions. The final step I find the most important is the experience, what I can take away from it, can I learn from it that can make me a better person at the day of the day. When I go through these steps I make sure that my parents are involved. They always give me logical answers that had benefited me in for the future. I also talked to my professors as well they get me good advice I can follow. The behavior I would undertake is being a listener, always being humble about any situation. My time frame in making sure each step is design in my lifestyle is throughout a day, I always plan a couple of days ahead when I’m doing a task, it makes things go smoother. The effort I think that will make me implement my top ranked alternative is being organized and attain my goals whether it’s doing my homework or finishing a task at work.
Currently right now in my educational and career decision making I believe I’m in a great place with classes and finding an internship in my field for the summer. I see myself in a year with a part time position in management and going to college. I personally feel that my current academic and current career situation is going okay it could be better. This semester is going to be decent for me with my classes (Mostly A’s and C’s). Some of my classes are math classes which are not my strongest suit of classes, and I have a classes that are management classes I do well in so it’s a mixture of both. And I’m currently unemployed for the time being until the summer, I’m just saving my money until I work in the summer. Overall, I’m happy with what
I’m doing with classes and upcoming job situation. I’m currently happy with the major I have

Smith 6 chosen, it’s a fantastic fit for me. Now that I have found an internship for the summer, I’m on my way to a better lifestyle for my family and me.

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